Trump Is Up Against a Demographic Time Bomb

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
In the 2016 election, a majority of young voters (people under 50) and Hispanic voters voted against Trump. That’s not including the current wave of teenagers who are organizing a political movement in response to mass shootings in schools, many of whom will be voters by the next election.

The changing demographic balances of the electorate already manifested in the 2016 election, when millennials and Gen Xers outvoted the baby boomers for the first time, but only by a small margin. That margin will grow in the midterms and become a clear lead by the next general election.

Additionally, Hispanic and Black voters are more likely to support a non-Trump or Democratic candidate. They are also becoming an electoral majority. A 2015 study by the National Center for Health Statistics showed that “the Hispanic population in the United States has lower overall mortality and higher life expectancy at birth than the non-Hispanic white and non-Hispanic black populations.” This gives Hispanics what is called a “mortality advantage,” which translates into a demographic, and electoral, advantage over time.:awesome:

The truth is that Trump’s base essentially represents an older, English-speaking, white, evangelical Christian society whose supremacy is in its final throes.
Soon these people will be outnumbered by Spanish-speaking Latinos, and they will be pushed aside politically by younger whites who are less religious and more liberal. They will be a minority in a country in which they were born the dominant culture.

Trump’s entire campaign reflects that fear: Build a wall to stop the Hispanics from migrating to the United States; gerrymander electoral boundaries to stop Democrats from voting out old-school Republicans; try to consolidate media to manage the message; suppress voters who will vote against you. All of this is about trying to preserve a status quo against the inextricable tide of change. The more they are losing the historical fight, the dirtier that fight will become.

The largest demographic sector is whites. They will be in power for a long time. But Hispanics are growing. Asians are too. Blacks are 1/8th of the population. But it will be long after the white ownership society dies off.
what are now minority voters all taken together are more than white voters

the deal is half of us white voters are not republicans

they only reason they have won elections for a couple of decades now is their cheating in elections

the owners of the rights sham are going to come down hard after the international investigation that Mueller is involved in breaks open

things are going to change folks
Soon these people will be outnumbered by Spanish-speaking Latinos, and they will be pushed aside politically by younger whites who are less religious and more liberal. They will be a minority in a country in which they were born the dominant culture.

Trump’s entire campaign reflects that fear: Build a wall to stop the Hispanics from migrating to the United States; gerrymander electoral boundaries to stop Democrats from voting out old-school Republicans; try to consolidate media to manage the message; suppress voters who will vote against you. All of this is about trying to preserve a status quo against the inextricable tide of change. The more they are losing the historical fight, the dirtier that fight will become.



not pushed aside

these old racists kids are marrying latinos, Asians and blacks and we will be all mixed up and NO ONE will be pushed aside
The largest demographic sector is whites. They will be in power for a long time. But Hispanics are growing. Asians are too. Blacks are 1/8th of the population. But it will be long after the white ownership society dies off.

Ever notice how the babies of mixed races tend to average a lighter color than the darker parent? What happens if you keep mixing races?