Trump Is Up Against a Demographic Time Bomb

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
Democrats win big with African American, Hispanic and Asian American voters! College-educated white people are moving left

Demographic trends show he is ruling for a base that will soon be an electoral minority, while alienating a demographic that will soon hold the balance of power. Trump and his acolytes are facing a demographic time bomb, and the more he does to alienate everyone except his base, the worse it will get for everyone. The United States is governed today by a generation of politicians who are at the end of their careers and reflect a political era that is drawing to a close. In them, we are seeing the last gasps of 1950s America

Because minorities as a group are younger than whites, the minority white tipping point comes earlier for younger age groups. The new census projections indicate that for youth under 18—the post-millennial population—minorities will outnumber whites in 2020. For those ages 18 to 29—members of the younger labor force and voting age populations—the tipping point will occur in 2027.

The truth is that Trump’s base essentially represents an older, English-speaking, white, evangelical Christian society whose supremacy is in its final throes.

The United States will become a more multiethnic country. Trump may delay it a bit, but he can’t stop it. He may manage to stall the change during his presidential term, but in the end, he and his supporters will be seen not only as the losers, but as having been on the wrong side of history.
Trump will win re-election in 2020. Anyone but Trump is not a campaign Americans will be interested in. Americans vote with their pocket books. The economy and illegal immigration will be the most important issues; both of which the Democratic Party of the Jackass score an "F" on.
Over 300,000 kids attended schools with shootings, That is about 300,000 families. They are not going to vote status quo on guns. They want a safer and kinder America.
Over 300,000 kids attended schools with shootings, That is about 300,000 families. They are not going to vote status quo on guns. They want a safer and kinder America.

Trump will win re-election in 2020. Anyone but Trump is not a campaign Americans will be interested in. Americans vote with their pocket books. The economy and illegal immigration will be the most important issues; both of which the Democratic Party of the Jackass score an "F" on.
Even though African Americans, Hispanic and Asian American voters vote for the dem party...….


The EC does that. So do our votes really matter?
Even though African Americans, Hispanic and Asian American voters vote for the dem party...….


The EC does that. So do our votes really matter?

No they do not; stay home, collect your welfare checks and watch TV. ;)