Trump isn't 'One Of Us' at all. He is spoiled elite who buys his way out of trouble.


Diversity Makes Greatness
I don't get all the struggling middle class and poor people who think Trump is 'one of them.'

He could hardly be more aloof. What a total snow job. He's greasing the rich and screwing the rest. I'm embarrassed for those who bought it. It is really sad to see so many people led astray.

He is a highly skilled con man who is trying to prove Lincoln wrong by attempting to fool all the people all the time. Even though he can't do it.

He loves the uneducated - because they are easier to string along.

He even got them to accept a temporary tax cut as long as the elite got a permanent one.

What a con man. And that, as the debt they used to care about goes sky high. Simply amazing.

What amazes me are the smart people who became Trump supporters. That's scary that he has been able to gain their approval and tacit support. (I see that falling quickly apart as soon as he is exposed and brought down, his presidency in shambles - fingers crossed for America, this happens soon.) How can otherwise intelligent people fall for his obvious shtick? I don't get it. I can see right through him. He has not changed. He has a lifetime of running scams purporting to be legit, then finding some way to weasel out of it, trotting off with a bunch of cash as usual.

Trump lies, they cheer. I just don't get it.

He has a history of running afoul of the law. I can't think of anybody who has been to court more times. Most people are never a party to a court case in their entire life. Trump has been thousands of times. He would be nothing without his lawyers. He uses lawyers for his dirty work, and then he casts them aside.

He is a deplorable person.

It will *so* restore faith in America to see him go down hard.
Trump is a bigot and crook who thinks the laws are something to skirt. He has no respect for the American systems. How anyone could have thought he had their interests in mind is amazing. What suckers. Trump is the biggest conman in history. I guess if you are susceptable to cons, he could be alluring. But you really have to want to believe. Trump is a religion to many rightys.
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I don't recall Trump ever saying he was "one of us" whover the "us" may be.

I don't believe that he did; however, the base believes that he's on their side.

In answer to Poli's question: "How can otherwise intelligent people fall for his obvious shtick? I don't get it.": Just look at the cons' comments this evening. They don't care *what* he does, *what* he's guilty of -- campaign finance law violations, adultery and hush money, doing everything but licking Putin's butt.... as long as he hates the same people they do, he's grand in their book. Tonight, for instance, Stretch et al are bragging about his rally and what he said about the murder of the young college girl allegedly by an illegal. No words, of course, about the white man who killed his wife and little girls because white man.

As long as Trump fans the flames of hate for the ppl *they* hate -- people of color, liberals, uppity women, etc. -- he's got 'em where he wants 'em.
I don't believe that he did; however, the base believes that he's on their side.

In answer to Poli's question: "How can otherwise intelligent people fall for his obvious shtick? I don't get it.": Just look at the cons' comments this evening. They don't care *what* he does, *what* he's guilty of -- campaign finance law violations, adultery and hush money, doing everything but licking Putin's butt.... as long as he hates the same people they do, he's grand in their book. Tonight, for instance, Stretch et al are bragging about his rally and what he said about the murder of the young college girl allegedly by an illegal. No words, of course, about the white man who killed his wife and little girls because white man.

As long as Trump fans the flames of hate for the ppl *they* hate -- people of color, liberals, uppity women, etc. -- he's got 'em where he wants 'em.

And as long as the democrats hate red state people, the DNC has your side where they want them. There is no difference between hating Mexicans and hating red state people. They are lines on the map. Your hatred of people culturally or geographically different than you is no more excusable than their hatred of people who are culturally and geographically different than them simply because your victims are on one side of a line and theirs is on another.
And as long as the democrats hate red state people, the DNC has your side where they want them. There is no difference between hating Mexicans and hating red state people. They are lines on the map. Your hatred of people culturally or geographically different than you is no more excusable than their hatred of people who are culturally and geographically different than them simply because your victims are on one side of a line and theirs is on another.

Some (D)-voters *do* despise "red state people," but most of us do not. In fact, a good lot of us live in red states.
I've seen plenty of posts here and elsewhere putting down ppl in red states as backwoods hillbillies and uneducated crackers and the like.

Trump has two kinds of supporters,Republican voters who won't vote any other way.
And Rubes who bought into the con job,these are the "backwoods hillbillies and uneducated crackers and the like!"
Trump has two kinds of supporters,Republican voters who won't vote any other way.
And Rubes who bought into the con job,these are the "backwoods hillbillies and uneducated crackers and the like!"

That latter group are the ppl that the (R)s put down for decades because they were southern Democrat voters. Now that they've switched allegiance, they're their darlings.
And as long as the democrats hate red state people, the DNC has your side where they want them. There is no difference between hating Mexicans and hating red state people. They are lines on the map. Your hatred of people culturally or geographically different than you is no more excusable than their hatred of people who are culturally and geographically different than them simply because your victims are on one side of a line and theirs is on another.

dems don't hate red state people. So glad we solved that. We are not happy with bigots though.
Hello Kacper,

I don't recall Trump ever saying he was "one of us" whover the "us" may be.

I don't either. But I have heard plenty of people indicate that they feel that way about him. I guess they were so desperate for a non politician they were willing to accept the P-grabber and look the other way at his many transgressions.
Hello Kacper,

And as long as the democrats hate red state people, the DNC has your side where they want them. There is no difference between hating Mexicans and hating red state people. They are lines on the map. Your hatred of people culturally or geographically different than you is no more excusable than their hatred of people who are culturally and geographically different than them simply because your victims are on one side of a line and theirs is on another.

Well there certainly is something to that, but I think hatred on the left is nowhere near as extensive as hatred on the right. And please don't even try to suggest that this forum is representative of the USA. Anti-social people on both sides who can't find real friends to talk to resort to online posting for their social stimulus.

When looking at hatred on the left and hatred on the right, it is helpful to look at the number of right wing hate groups and the number of left wing hate groups in the nation. The right totally blows the left away in sheer numbers.
How can people who work hard, work with their hands, support somebody who has never known what a calloused hand feels like?

They say Trump speaks for them.

How do they feel when he goes to Mar-A-Lago, (a place they are not allowed into,) and tells all his rich friends: 'You just got a lot richer?'