Trump, Just Like Churchill


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After Trump initially LIED TO US and downplayed the danger of the Coronavirus, and while he CONTINUES to lie to us and downplay the danger of the virus, he has compared himself to Winston Churchill during World War II.

OBVIOUSLY, there are a number of parallels between Trump and Churchill.

Remember how Churchill lied to his people and downplayed the danger of Hitler in order to prevent a panic.
Remember how he made a half-hearted and feeble effort to protect his people from that danger.
Remember when he would pretend that Hitler would magically go away.
Remember when he called news reports about Hitler’s atrocities “fake news”.
Remember when he called the idea that Hitler was a serious threat to Britain “a hoax”.
Remember when he told his military “you’re on your own!” ... go get ’em yourself!

And remember how Churchill was a CHEERLEADER, when the V2 rockets were raining down on his people. Remember how he tried to convince his people not to believe their lying eyes, and how he tried to convince them that a fireworks display was more dangerous than a few V2 rockets.

Yeah RIGHT! Trump is just like Churchill ... in his DREAMS.

MOST of us know that Trump is NOT like Churchill, and that he is more like Chamberlain, but FAR worse.
AND most of his sycophants in our government know that too, but they are too terrified of him to say it.

Trump has admitted to KNOWING that the Coronavirus was a SERIOUS and DEADLY threat to our nation.
And he has admitted to LYING to us about the virus, in order to CON US into a false sense of security.
And he has admitted that he CONTINUES to lie to us about it, in order to continue his con job.
And he has been manipulating data from the CDC, in order to make the manipulated data “backup” his con job.

When he is not playing golf and tweeting, Trump HAS addressed the virus issue AT TIMES. However, his response to the virus has OFTEN been inconsistent with what he KNOWS to be true. Instead, it has OFTEN been consistent with his LIES and his CON JOB. As a result, he has done a HAPHAZARD job at combating the virus. Furthermore, he has refused to use the full power of the federal government to combat the virus. And because of his malfeasance, MANY MORE lives, and MANY MORE livelihoods, will be lost than there had to be.

To make matters worse, Trump has conned many of his fans into believing that the Coronavirus is not a problem, and that it is a hoax. That could significantly promote the spread of the virus, and significantly prolong the virus. (It is like he is TRYING to spread and prolong the virus. Maybe that is Putin’s plan.)

Furthermore, after telling our governors and mayors that they are on their own with the virus, Trump has been attacking the ones who are trying to do the RIGHT thing to keep their citizens safe, while at the same time, they CANNOT DEPEND ON HIM to provide them with an adequate amount of the medical and testing supplies. And Trump praises the governors and mayors who implement policies that ENDANGER their citizens.

In addition to attacking our governors and mayors who are trying to do the right thing, Trump is trying to UNDERMINE, and CENSOR, our government’s medical experts who are trying to give us ACCURATE information about the virus. However, he IS listening to a new advisor with questionable credentials, who he found on Fox News, and who is an advocate of a “herd immunity” strategy which could cost MILLIONS of American lives.

It is OBVIOUS that Trump has GROSSLY mismanaged the Coronavirus problem. But despite that obvious fact, Trump is trying to con us into believing that his response to the virus has been PERFECT, and that our catastrophic situation is not as bad as it ACTUALLY is. He is also trying to con us into believing that the virus will “magically” disappear. He does not say when that will happen, and how many lives will be lost until that happens. (Once again, Trump is implementing his “pixie dust” strategy to make the virus disappear, just as he did this past Easter.)

For those who want to believe that Trump is telling the truth when he says that he lied because he did not want to cause a panic, consider this. There are at least three MAJOR FLAWS in Trump’s claim:
#1: What happens when we see MILLIONS of people getting sick, and THOUSANDS of people dying? Answer: PANIC!
#2: What happens if we do not know WHY so many people are getting sick and dying? Answer: EVEN MORE PANIC!
#3: As MOST of us know, if you see a problem heading our way, you should warn everyone about it, so that they KNOW that it is coming our way. If they know it is coming our way, they can PREPARE for it, in an effort to MITIGATE, or AVOID, its harmful effects.

So, his “I lied to prevent a panic” claim was a load of unadulterated NONSENSE (aka, BS), and it was just another one of his MANY attempts to con us. And as most of us know, his lie was NOT about preventing panic for US. Instead, it was about preventing panic for the STOCK MARKET. And thus, it was about preventing political harm to HIM, and making himself look good to his FANS (aka, votes). And sadly, most of his fans swallowed his con hook, line, and sinker. (Don-the-Con punks his fans again!)

Bottom line: Trump’s grand strategy to “combat” the virus is to ignore science, to ignore facts, and to use his Reality TV skills to con us into believing that THE TRUTH IS NOT REALITY and that HIS LIES ARE REALITY, while he IGNORES his responsibility to protect our nation.

Unfortunately for us, our lives are NOT in the hands of a Churchill.
Our lives are in the hands of a VERY DANGEROUS CON ARTIST ... Don-the-Con.