APP - Trump keeping illegals out with tough talk

Teflon Don

I'm back baby

Don't pay any attention to the naysayers. Trump is having a positive effect on American life as we know it. Now of course our friends on the left will bemoan a drop in illegal immigration because they only see orange pickers and once every four year voters. But, it is good for America

I always laugh when I hear liberals say "these illegals do jobs americans don't want to do". When you think about the high unemployment rate in the black community, are liberals saying that the blacks are too lazy to do these jobs and would rather be on welfare? I don't believe that, but apparently our friends on the left do believe that because that is what they say.
Quite amazing that just talk is all it takes to make some of these illegals take a pause on considering coming here. Makes me wonder if we always talked tough if we wouldn't be stuck with so many poor takers like we are now.
Quite amazing that just talk is all it takes to make some of these illegals take a pause on considering coming here. Makes me wonder if we always talked tough if we wouldn't be stuck with so many poor takers like we are now.

Well, it isn't just the talk. It is that they know he actually means it. For example, the feckless GOP talked mighty big when it came to building a wall, but in the end everyone knew they weren't serious. They were just trying to pull one over on the base. Same thing with Obamacare.

It is like Rule 12b. I dance around a good many things here, but I have never ever come close to a 12b violation. Why? Because I know you guys mean it when it comes to that little rule.
Net illegal immigration from Mexico was 0 on inauguration day. Breitbart strikes again.