Trump leaves libtardiots a stuttering mess

Teflon Don

I'm back baby

maybe the teleprompter was broke? maybe the guy running the teleprompter fell a a a a a a a a a asleep?

Maybe B. Hussein Yobabymama was doing his best M m m m m m m m mel T t t t t t t t t tillis?

Teleprompter is the best you can come up with? Making fun of stuttering is your thing? Maybe you should flail your arms around and pretend to imitate am MS victim, like the Drumpf.
BLM are the ones that have sewn racial divisions. All those fucking idiots that defended the criminal michael brown and then burnt down their own towns are the ones that have sewn divisions.
Cut and paste from another thread about Obama.
Really? Still harping on the teleprompter accusations? And then piling on the stuttering?

Look, Obama is one of the best speech givers of recent years. Whether he uses cue cards, teleprompters, or memorization, doesn't really matter. Palin reads inked crib notes on her hands. If she gave a good speech, I really could care less about how she prompts herself. But, rambling flight of ideas does not make her a good speaker, nor does she have a message worth paying attention to. Obama tries to lead us to a better society. Palin tries to simply piss us off about her perceived paranoias.

The point here is, why are you wasting energy bashing a lame duck? Is it just vengeance, or do you really think that marginalizing Obama somehow makes the world better? Do you think about the future? Do you want your principles to be upheld? Then use your energy to fight for the person that can carry us forward into your version of a better society. We may disagree, but I think that you are simply wrong to bash people about their idiosyncrasies, without a principled argument.

Really? Mel Tillis? Have you no shame? Mel Tillis showed us how an affliction can set us free. How even the most embarrassing affliction doesn't have to impede us. Show us how many people can be affected by talent, regardless of afflictions. Was not FDR in a wheelchair? Did not Napoleon have small hands? Maybe Drumpf can over-compensate.