Given the frequency of Trump's lies, most are hardly deserving of their own thread. However, given where this one occurred and who the target audience was, this one may just take the "audacity" award.
Standing in front of troops putting their lives on the line to defend him as well as you and I, Trump falsely tells the troops that HE got them the biggest pay raise ever and the first one in TEN YEARS.
Simply put, that is a BOLD FACE LIE. The military has gotten a raise EVERY year since i believe 1983 and that was simply a technical "snafu" that was corrected. Like ALL spending measures, they are Congressional actions, not Presidential Executive Orders.
Standing in front of troops putting their lives on the line to defend him as well as you and I, Trump falsely tells the troops that HE got them the biggest pay raise ever and the first one in TEN YEARS.
Simply put, that is a BOLD FACE LIE. The military has gotten a raise EVERY year since i believe 1983 and that was simply a technical "snafu" that was corrected. Like ALL spending measures, they are Congressional actions, not Presidential Executive Orders.