tRump: Maybe the best recruiting tool ISIS and the Taliban have ever had.


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tRump has been told by many legal advisors that his voter fraud lawsuits will go nowhere. Yet, he steadfastly refuses to concede purely out of ego and self-interest.

At this point, tRump is putting his ego and self-interest before country. If you look at BOTH of his donation mailers for his PAC and his legal fund (there have been 119 such requests since election night) have fine print saying that donated money can be used to pay off tRump's campaign debt. As such, tRump's personal motivations to continue this voter fraud farce are quite clear. It is ALL about tRump. It has ALWAYS been about tRump. It will ALWAYS be about tRump.
Hell ... you liberals will lie , cheat , and steal any chance you get !

Spoken like a pathetic cult worshipper who is slowly learning that his savior is a fraud and is tormented by it.

When the result of the election is not overturned, what will you tRumpanzees do next?

Let me guess: Next year your insurance premiums will be $6,000 a

Now, if you are so concerned about election fraud, where was your concern in 2016? Oh wait! tRump won that