Trump Moonwalks Away From Pledge to Denuclearize North Korea


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From the outset, there was little reason to think that North Korea would agree to surrender its nuclear weapons and the infrastructure and labs required to build them. If we set aside the never-very-plausible idea that the Kims are madmen intent on prepping some secular apocalyptic nuclear confrontation with the U.S., a more prosaic, rational strategy becomes clear: build a credible nuclear deterrent, thus making military-backed regime change unthinkable. Then reach an accommodation with the U.S. from a position of strength and fundamental equality. Such an agreement might involve restrictions on nuclear weapons development, limits on numbers of warheads. But fundamentally it would mean accepting North Korea as a nuclear power.

Now the Trump administration appears to be trying to define “denuclearization” in such a way as to bring it into line with that kind of agreement. Most notably he seems to be focused now on eliminating the nuclear threat to the United States rather than North Korea’s nuclear weapons in general. That seems like it can be addressed by restrictions on missile capacity and/or some treaty which eliminates by some definition how much we consider North Korea a “threat”. Indeed, at one point, Pompeo has suggested that the U.S. is more categorical about North Korea getting rid of chemical and biological weapons than nuclear weapons
The North Koreans no longer give a flying fuck what we want or think....that is what happened.

Trump had nothing to do with it.
The North Koreans have a big problem though....the physical health of the people....whos bodies all to often cant stand up to combat.

The Russians figured this out, what if anything can be done about it I do not know.

And no....the North Koreans were never in KURSK.

That is an Imperial Empire Lie.

One of so many.
Though the Americans to a great degree cant either find healthy men.

And in combat Women tend to be worse than useless.

And they are not healthy either.
The Duran says that the Kursk goal was taking the nuclear power plant and holding it for ransom (complete failure...AGAIN).

And Washington knew all about it even if they did not design the operation (They likely did).

All the Imperial Empire has left is terrorism.

The world is DONE DONE DONE.

We have to go.
What did 4 years of the biden administration/presidency do to make sure N. Korea would surrender
its nuclear weapons? I see, leave all of the destructive and or weak policies of this current administration
onto Trump and his upcoming administration.