Trump offers new Defense as to why he kept government doc's.


Fox has discovered that backing Trump is bad for business. They finally did their jobs.
Baier and Hume talked on Fox after the interview and agreed that Trump was incoherent. Trump did a terrible job and deflected away from answering questions. Those guys sold their reputations to back all Trump all the time narratives. Now like other Repubs, they are understanding Trump is through. They are moving on and are trying to clean up their messes. It is too late for people who think news talking heads should be honest. They have lied for Trump since he ran the first time ignoring his lack of respect for the law and the presidency.

Just like when they helped Bush lie us to war in Iraq

Just like when they lied about the mess deregulating the banks had on our economic system which resulted in the 2008 economic crash

Just like when they lied to protect Trump and his crimes so he could be president

Just like when they lied about Trumps and Russia’s cheating in our elections

Fox lies

Fox News needs to die