Trump PAC "airs" race targeted TV ad against Biden in S.C. and fails miserably.
The "Committee to Defend the President" PAC, aired a false disinformation ad days before the S.C. Dem primary. The ad targeted Blacks and was intended to hurt Biden. It didn't work.
The ad was the creation of Ted Harvey, who ran the old "Stop Hillary" PAC. Ted is a former Colorado State Senator who failed miserably at his one and only attempt at running for Congress.
The ad plays a recording of Obama referencing the old "plantation politics" mindset of Black voters many years ago. The ad leads listeners to believe that Obama was referring to Joe Biden with those comments. In fact, he was not.
The audio (which really is Obama speaking) was actually taken from the audio book version of Obama's book "Dreams from my father". In the book, Obama is merely recanting a story of what an elderly Black barber told him many years ago in Chicago. The barber was actually referring to Chicago's first black mayor and how the mayor had disappointed some in the black community. In other words, it was not pertaining to Biden in any shape, form or fashion.
Based on Black voter turnout and Biden's overwhelming win in S.C., the ad turned out to be a colossal failure. That said, I am quite sure that more false and misleading ads are already in production. Ads catered to those too uneducated or too lazy to do a little "fact checking" for themselves.
The "Committee to Defend the President" PAC, aired a false disinformation ad days before the S.C. Dem primary. The ad targeted Blacks and was intended to hurt Biden. It didn't work.
The ad was the creation of Ted Harvey, who ran the old "Stop Hillary" PAC. Ted is a former Colorado State Senator who failed miserably at his one and only attempt at running for Congress.
The ad plays a recording of Obama referencing the old "plantation politics" mindset of Black voters many years ago. The ad leads listeners to believe that Obama was referring to Joe Biden with those comments. In fact, he was not.
The audio (which really is Obama speaking) was actually taken from the audio book version of Obama's book "Dreams from my father". In the book, Obama is merely recanting a story of what an elderly Black barber told him many years ago in Chicago. The barber was actually referring to Chicago's first black mayor and how the mayor had disappointed some in the black community. In other words, it was not pertaining to Biden in any shape, form or fashion.
Based on Black voter turnout and Biden's overwhelming win in S.C., the ad turned out to be a colossal failure. That said, I am quite sure that more false and misleading ads are already in production. Ads catered to those too uneducated or too lazy to do a little "fact checking" for themselves.
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