“Trump pardons ex-Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich”

Another criminal pardoned. He generally likes to pardon those who accepted bribes for public service.
After nearly 20 years of trump claiming he is going to release the evidence "any day now" you have to have lost hope.
Ummm,....you must be living in a cave of some sort. In his first few weeks back in all he has done is release information. Ever heard of DOGE ?
Ummm,....you must be living in a cave of some sort. In his first few weeks back in all he has done is release information. Ever heard of DOGE ?
Doge released the proof that Obama was not born in the USA? I must have missed it. Do you have a link?
There’s lots of proof of fraud being revealed by DOGE.

Obama, Biden, and Hillary should be hiring expensive lawyers.