Trump Pitches Fear: 'They Want To Destroy Our Suburbs'

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
From July 1 to July 20, Trump's campaign spent more than $18 million on television ads hitting this theme, according to the tracking firm Ad Analytics. It's a similar argument to one Trump made ahead of the 2018 midterms, that caravans of migrants would cross the border bringing gangs and crime. Democrats won control of the House in a wave election, led by a suburban backlash to Trump.

"People are not afraid of what he's trying to make them afraid of," said Christine Matthews, a Republican pollster

"Your home will go down in value and crime rates will rapidly rise," he said. "People have worked all their lives to get into a community, and now they're going to watch it go to hell. Not going to happen, not while I'm here."

That kind of racial view, pitting whites in the suburbs against Blacks and Latinos who might move in, is an appeal that seems to stem from an anachronistic view of the suburbs.
From July 1 to July 20, Trump's campaign spent more than $18 million on television ads hitting this theme, according to the tracking firm Ad Analytics. It's a similar argument to one Trump made ahead of the 2018 midterms, that caravans of migrants would cross the border bringing gangs and crime. Democrats won control of the House in a wave election, led by a suburban backlash to Trump.

"People are not afraid of what he's trying to make them afraid of," said Christine Matthews, a Republican pollster

"Your home will go down in value and crime rates will rapidly rise," he said. "People have worked all their lives to get into a community, and now they're going to watch it go to hell. Not going to happen, not while I'm here."

That kind of racial view, pitting whites in the suburbs against Blacks and Latinos who might move in, is an appeal that seems to stem from an anachronistic view of the suburbs.

People dying from a pandemic. Trump has nothing...nothing but death.
Trump says crazy things like that and rightys believe him. Does trump ever say why? I would like to know what he "thinks" of why the left wants to destroy homes and the US and everything else. It does not make sense. I know, Trumpy does not have to make sense to the right, but we want to know.
Several BLM protesters have already voiced their interest in protesting in suburbs. Since riots are often part of the "peaceful protests", that's a valid threat.
Conservatives have always thrived on fear. Early in my lifetime, it was a commie behind every bush. It still continues.
trump thinks the suburbs is basically the planned development of Levittown in the 1960s as opposed to today's suburbs, which are multiracial, diverse and highly educated," Matthews said.

trumps world is the 1950s
trump thinks the suburbs is basically the planned development of Levittown in the 1960s as opposed to today's suburbs, which are multiracial, diverse and highly educated," Matthews said.

trumps world is the 1950s

Today's suburbs are multiracial, diverse and highly educated?

I look around the Bay Area and the wealthiest suburbs are still largely white. Over the past few decades the trend has been for educated people to move back to the Cities and poor people in the Cities moving out to the suburbs. So highly educated and multiracial suburbs aren't all that common (if we're talking black and Hispanic people, not Asians & Indians).
Guno, where did you go my man? I'll share a classic NIMBY story with you. Happened a couple of years back when Trump was trying to ban immigrants from the U.S. A lady in Berkeley had an 'Immigrants Welcome Here' sign in the front yard of her single family home. This same lady was also down at the Berkeley Planning Commission fighting against a multi-family development going up in her neighborhood. Just a classic NIMBY. In fact, NIMBYism is like a religion to many out here. Vote progressively, profess progressive values but when it comes to building new housing in your neighborhood all that goes out the window.

I don't know if NIMBYism is as prevalent in New York City but in LA, the Bay Area, Portland and Seattle it certainly is.
Hello guno,

From July 1 to July 20, Trump's campaign spent more than $18 million on television ads hitting this theme, according to the tracking firm Ad Analytics. It's a similar argument to one Trump made ahead of the 2018 midterms, that caravans of migrants would cross the border bringing gangs and crime. Democrats won control of the House in a wave election, led by a suburban backlash to Trump.

"People are not afraid of what he's trying to make them afraid of," said Christine Matthews, a Republican pollster

"Your home will go down in value and crime rates will rapidly rise," he said. "People have worked all their lives to get into a community, and now they're going to watch it go to hell. Not going to happen, not while I'm here."

That kind of racial view, pitting whites in the suburbs against Blacks and Latinos who might move in, is an appeal that seems to stem from an anachronistic view of the suburbs.

How absurd and behind the times. Blacks and Latinos moved into the suburbs a long time ago and everything is fine. Most people with a head on their shoulders are not going to be moved by the president's hatred and fear-mongering.

Keith is correct. This will be a hopeless repeat of a failed ploy by DT.
Trump says crazy things like that and rightys believe him. Does trump ever say why? I would like to know what he "thinks" of why the left wants to destroy homes and the US and everything else. It does not make sense. I know, Trumpy does not have to make sense to the right, but we want to know.
Destroying property and burning the flag are the only things that make sense.

-- The Left
From July 1 to July 20, Trump's campaign spent more than $18 million on television ads hitting this theme, according to the tracking firm Ad Analytics. It's a similar argument to one Trump made ahead of the 2018 midterms, that caravans of migrants would cross the border bringing gangs and crime. Democrats won control of the House in a wave election, led by a suburban backlash to Trump.

"People are not afraid of what he's trying to make them afraid of," said Christine Matthews, a Republican pollster

"Your home will go down in value and crime rates will rapidly rise," he said. "People have worked all their lives to get into a community, and now they're going to watch it go to hell. Not going to happen, not while I'm here."

That kind of racial view, pitting whites in the suburbs against Blacks and Latinos who might move in, is an appeal that seems to stem from an anachronistic view of the suburbs.

all property values go down when you talk about defunding police, einstein..

this is just facts.
Trump says crazy things like that and rightys believe him. Does trump ever say why? I would like to know what he "thinks" of why the left wants to destroy homes and the US and everything else. It does not make sense. I know, Trumpy does not have to make sense to the right, but we want to know.

Saul Alkinsky tactic.