Trump Promoted This Guy


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. . . Trump, who was wise to how the real world works but utterly naïve about Washington, received from those “in the know” who were trying to destroy him. As it turned out, Milley was at the top of the list of those who despised Trump and all 75-80 million of his supporters, and desperately wanted to see them destroyed.

July 16, 2021
The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff is straight out of Dr. Strangelove
By Andrea Widburg

Frankly, I fail to see any improvement in Trump’s ability to surround himself with better people in 2024:

To be honest, I never trusted Trump in a bunch of areas. First off, he should have known better than to send Nikky Haley to the United Nations. She remains Trump’s worst appointment.

Most of Trump’s reelection problems are rooted in his lack of political courage when he refused to fire every Clinton and Obama holdover.

Trump’s biggest mistake was not firing all of those Clinton-Obama holdovers as soon as he was sworn in; most especially not firing all of those holdovers planted in key positions in intelligence agencies.

. . . Trump’s well-known inability to judge the character of federal employees?

Basically, Trump still does not understood that federal employees are not the same kind of people he dealt with in the business world. The two groups are governed by different rules.

In short: Every swamp creature traitor has been conspiring since 1945 to implement the New World Order crowd’s policies. Not a one of them can be trusted.

Let me close with a man that slams Democrats pretty good, but he never calls for the U.S. to withdraw from the U.N.

Rep. Byron Donalds Thursday slammed Secretary of State Antony Blinken's call for the United Nations to investigate systemic racism in policing, telling Newsmax that he is "so sick and tired" of the left "thinking that everything they have to do" should go through the international organization.

Rep. Donalds to Newsmax: US Doesn't Need UN's Probe on Racism
By Sandy Fitzgerald
Thursday, 15 July 2021 02:17 PM
How well have you managed during powerful strikes?

Where those who cross the picket line are promised to be hurt.
Trump gets a complete pass from me...this strike against America by the Elite Class because they dont approve of what the people say is proof of the rot of America.

Buckle Up.

. . . Trump, who was wise to how the real world works but utterly naïve about Washington, received from those “in the know” who were trying to destroy him. As it turned out, Milley was at the top of the list of those who despised Trump and all 75-80 million of his supporters, and desperately wanted to see them destroyed.

July 16, 2021
The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff is straight out of Dr. Strangelove
By Andrea Widburg

Frankly, I fail to see any improvement in Trump’s ability to surround himself with better people in 2024:

To be honest, I never trusted Trump in a bunch of areas. First off, he should have known better than to send Nikky Haley to the United Nations. She remains Trump’s worst appointment.

Most of Trump’s reelection problems are rooted in his lack of political courage when he refused to fire every Clinton and Obama holdover.

Trump’s biggest mistake was not firing all of those Clinton-Obama holdovers as soon as he was sworn in; most especially not firing all of those holdovers planted in key positions in intelligence agencies.

. . . Trump’s well-known inability to judge the character of federal employees?

Basically, Trump still does not understood that federal employees are not the same kind of people he dealt with in the business world. The two groups are governed by different rules.

In short: Every swamp creature traitor has been conspiring since 1945 to implement the New World Order crowd’s policies. Not a one of them can be trusted.

Let me close with a man that slams Democrats pretty good, but he never calls for the U.S. to withdraw from the U.N.

Rep. Byron Donalds Thursday slammed Secretary of State Antony Blinken's call for the United Nations to investigate systemic racism in policing, telling Newsmax that he is "so sick and tired" of the left "thinking that everything they have to do" should go through the international organization.

Rep. Donalds to Newsmax: US Doesn't Need UN's Probe on Racism
By Sandy Fitzgerald
Thursday, 15 July 2021 02:17 PM

"Frankly, I fail to see any improvement in Trump’s ability to surround himself with better people in 2024".

Sure he will, by then, Dotard will be in his second year of his prison sentence.

A LOT better people in prison than Trump, his crime family or his regime.
imagine someone quoting american thinker!! imagine someone even comparing a sniveling chickenshit waste of human skin like trump to a man like General Milley...

this might be the funniest piece of shit part of that silly ass right wing article about asshole traitor trump-

. . . Trump’s well-known inability to judge the character of federal employees?

Basically, Trump still does not understood that federal employees are not the same kind of people he dealt with in the business world. The two groups are governed by different rules.

hilarious!! almost every corrupt piece of shit punk businessman asshole traitor Trump has associated with in the "business world," have been convicted of fraud and corruption and/or sexual assault!!

. . . Trump, who was wise to how the real world works but utterly naïve about Washington, received from those “in the know” who were trying to destroy him. As it turned out, Milley was at the top of the list of those who despised Trump and all 75-80 million of his supporters, and desperately wanted to see them destroyed.

July 16, 2021
The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff is straight out of Dr. Strangelove
By Andrea Widburg

Frankly, I fail to see any improvement in Trump’s ability to surround himself with better people in 2024:

To be honest, I never trusted Trump in a bunch of areas. First off, he should have known better than to send Nikky Haley to the United Nations. She remains Trump’s worst appointment.

Most of Trump’s reelection problems are rooted in his lack of political courage when he refused to fire every Clinton and Obama holdover.

Trump’s biggest mistake was not firing all of those Clinton-Obama holdovers as soon as he was sworn in; most especially not firing all of those holdovers planted in key positions in intelligence agencies.

. . . Trump’s well-known inability to judge the character of federal employees?

Basically, Trump still does not understood that federal employees are not the same kind of people he dealt with in the business world. The two groups are governed by different rules.

In short: Every swamp creature traitor has been conspiring since 1945 to implement the New World Order crowd’s policies. Not a one of them can be trusted.

Let me close with a man that slams Democrats pretty good, but he never calls for the U.S. to withdraw from the U.N.

Rep. Byron Donalds Thursday slammed Secretary of State Antony Blinken's call for the United Nations to investigate systemic racism in policing, telling Newsmax that he is "so sick and tired" of the left "thinking that everything they have to do" should go through the international organization.

Rep. Donalds to Newsmax: US Doesn't Need UN's Probe on Racism
By Sandy Fitzgerald
Thursday, 15 July 2021 02:17 PM

This post is beyond absurd.
hilarious!! almost every corrupt piece of shit punk businessman asshole traitor Trump has associated with in the "business world," have been convicted of fraud and corruption and/or sexual assault!!

To Hoosier Daddy: Asshole. Top Democrats never go to prison because they control the Department of Justice and every intelligence agency.

If every top Democrat traitor, thief, murderer, and pervert was actually tried in an unbiased criminal court you would not find one Democrat in D.C.
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To Hoosier Daddy: Asshole. Top Democrats never go to prison because they control the Department of Justice and every intelligence agency.

If every top Democrat traitor, thief, murderer, and pervert was actually tried in an unbiased criminal court you would not find one Democrat in D.C.

says the retarded right wing hillbilly...
Trump gets a complete pass from me...this strike against America by the Elite Class because they dont approve of what the people say is proof of the rot of America.

Buckle Up.

Your guy Trump tells us that all his hires have been GARBAGE. So, what does that tell us about his executive and administrative skills?
Trump gets a complete pass from me...this strike against America by the Elite Class because they dont approve of what the people say is proof of the rot of America.

Buckle Up.

Listen up you trolling TRUMPTARDED idiot, TRUMP is the Elite Class that is rotting America with lies that he won the election.

Are you on DRUGS?

Tucker Carlson nailed Milley’s hide to barn door:


I have a few comments:

Fox News commentator Tucker Carlson has a question: Why is Mark Milley still the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in the Biden administration.

The question should be: Where does Milley’s first loyalty lie? The answer is obvious: With the New World Order crowd.

The question is there because, Carlson explained in a commentary published on Fox, that Milley "has repeatedly tried to subvert civilian control of the U.S. military."

That concept in America puts the military under the direction of a civilian president – and is important because the reverse – the military control of national politics, actually is a military dictatorship.

Carlson explained one situation raised eyebrows, and it isn't alone.

That was when just before last year's election, "two former Army officers wrote an open letter to the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, a man called Mark Milley. The letter was published on a left-wing blog called 'Defense One.' Within minutes it was all over the Internet. The authors of the letter had a direct order for Mark Milley, who strictly speaking did not report to them."

The letter said, "If Donald Trump refuses to leave office, the United States military must remove him by force, and you must give that order."

They were to tell Milley to remove the duly elected president – by force.

Carlson said, "That was a little shocking. What country is this? Even the usual power-mad partisans in the national news media began to wonder if that was a good idea., of all places, reminded its readers that, no matter how orange Donald Trump might be, military coups generally turn out to be unwise."

The Pentagon promptly went on the record against the idea, and the story "receded."

But now, Carlson said, it's becoming evidence that "Mark Milley himself is the sort of person who considers military coups entirely within the realm of possibility."

He cited evidence, including that from a new book by reporters at The Washington Post that exposes Milley as "the last person you’d give power to if you could possibly help it."

He said the book shows Milley describing Donald Trump and the millions who supported him as the moral equivalent of Adolph Hitler.

"As thousands of Trump supporters peacefully gathered in Washington for what they assumed was a constitutionally protected political rally shortly after the election, Milley likened them to 'brownshirts' – the paramilitary wing of the Nazi party. Trump’s complaints about voter fraud, Milley explained to his advisers, out loud, were actually calls for genocide," Carlson documented.

Milley's comments had included, "This is a Reichstag moment. The gospel of the Führer."

"Think about that," Carlson wrote. "Your grandfather joined the U.S. military to risk his life fighting the Nazis. Now the head of the U.S. military calls you a Nazi for having your grandfather’s political views. What do you think of that?"

He continued, "This 'well-read man of history' is comparing nearly half our country to Adolf Hitler, including presumably the many Hispanics in the Rio Grande Valley who voted for Trump because they agreed with him on immigration. Mark Milley isn’t just your average guy with crackpot views, he has control of nuclear weapons.

Shit for Brains has a lot of dog-walkers:

But Milley is the one that can press the nuclear button:

Are we OK with this?"

NO for Americans. YES for Democrats.

Milley also has warned against American citizens, or "Nazis."

"But in the end, no Nazi attack ever came, much to Mark Milley's disappointment. It wasn’t Dunkirk. Now, you'd think that would be an embarrassment for Mark Milley. You give a speech like that and nothing happens. Some guy dressed like Chewbacca shows up. But no. He later testified before Congress, apparently not referring to himself, that he understands 'White rage' better than anyone:."

Milley, in fact, said, "I want to understand White rage, and I'm white, I want to understand it. So what is it that caused thousands of people to assault this building and try to overturn the Constitution of the United States of America. What caused that? I want to find that out."

Milley also informed Americans, the Washington Post reported, he had been planning "with other military leaders … how they would block Trump’s order to use the military in a way they deemed dangerous or illegal."

I wish Carlson would stop calling the country “. . . our democracy . . .”. It sure as hell is not mine.

"Now, wait a second. Is the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff the guy who’s empowered by our constitution, our democracy, to make those decisions? No, he’s not. We have civilian leadership, he can’t make them independently, if he disagrees, he can resign. But he can’t make them independently," Carlson said.

He explained Milley confirmed later, to Rep. Nancy Pelosi, he was prepared to take control of the military from civilian-elected leaders.

"According to the Post, some of those 'checks and balances' he referred to involved undermining the president's authority to choose his own CIA director," Carlson explained.

"When the president reportedly considered firing Gina Haspel who runs the CIA and replacing her with Kush Patel in the closing days of his administration, we now know that Milley pressured the president's chief of staff not to do that, to keep Haspel," he explained.

NOTE: Leon Panetta is a known Communist. John Brennan should be in jail, and he recommended Gina Haspel.

What does that tell you about Milley?

"This is lunacy, it’s not how the government is supposed to work, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs should not be having that conversation, expressing those views, he should leave if he can’t keep them to himself," Carlson wrote.

He said the problem did not develop overnight.

"We already know Milley was subverting civilian control of the military long before the election even took place. On February 29 of last year, the Trump administration reached a deal with the Taliban to end U.S. military involvement in the country after only 20 years. Immediately, the Pentagon – led by Mark Milleyconspired to kill the deal, which they are not allowed to do under our Constitution, but they did it anyway."

The war in Afghanistan is a United Nations war. The New World Order is afraid the U.N. will get the blame for losing a war. That was Milley’s motive.

Basically, U.N.-lovers in both parties do not want to see the United Nations get the blame for starting the Afghanistan War. Naturally, withdrawal will give American Communists another opportunity to claim another victory over the U.S. Military.

Parenthetically, the United Nations spent decades trying to tell the U.S. Military where it fights, and what it fights for; so any money Democrats give to the U.S. Military will end up in United Nations hands to pay for U.N. sanctioned wars as well as serve the U.N. as so-called ‘Peacekeepers’.

Now, Carlson said, "The question is: why is Mark Milley still in command of the U.S. military? This is not a small question."

Tucker Carlson: Why is Gen. Milley still in command?
By Bob Unruh
Published July 16, 2021 at 7:39pm
Fox News, whatever you are doing, it's working!

I assume your goal is to create a large audience of weak-thinking paranoid nihilist anarchists!

Am I right Fox NEWS?

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The left represents elites and dependents, no middle class. Warren Buffet? Gates? you get it yet?

Ya think so huh?

I think you have a pompous ass way about yourself, so much so that you would be down there kissing your own ass if you only could!

You think the TRUMPTARDS are not low income class? Half of you Trumptards wouldn't know how to get in out of the rain and don't have a pot to pick peas in.

The other half- are trump's Golfclub-ELITE that don't know the names of their own grandchildren and have never even caught a fish!
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Ya think so huh?

I think you have a pompous ass way about yourself, so much so that you would be down there kissing your own ass if you only could!

You think the TRUMPTARDS are not low income class? Half of you Trumptards wouldn't know how to get in out of the rain and don't have a pot to pick peas in.

The other half- are trump's Golfclub-ELITE that don't know the names of their own grandchildren and have never even caught a fish!

and your ilk can't follow simple directions before getting shot