Trump said he was happy to be banned from Twitter because it gave him time to 'read

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
The former president told Bender during one of their interviews for the book that he was happy about the ban because he believed the prewritten statements his office issued now were "much more elegant."

"It's really better than Twitter," Trump said, according to the book excerpt. "I didn't realize you can spend a lot of time on this. Now I actually have time to make phone calls, and do other things and read papers that I wouldn't read."
Kind of argues that Twitter is for twits doesn't it...?


Typical Twitter user without his "smart" phone...
The former president told Bender during one of their interviews for the book that he was happy about the ban because he believed the prewritten statements his office issued now were "much more elegant."

"It's really better than Twitter," Trump said, according to the book excerpt. "I didn't realize you can spend a lot of time on this. Now I actually have time to make phone calls, and do other things and read papers that I wouldn't read."

Gave him plenty of time to read Mein Kampf.
The former president told Bender during one of their interviews for the book that he was happy about the ban because he believed the prewritten statements his office issued now were "much more elegant."

"It's really better than Twitter," Trump said, according to the book excerpt. "I didn't realize you can spend a lot of time on this. Now I actually have time to make phone calls, and do other things and read papers that I wouldn't read."

Read. Oh hahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!! That's covfefe funny.
The former president told Bender during one of their interviews for the book that he was happy about the ban because he believed the prewritten statements his office issued now were "much more elegant."

"It's really better than Twitter," Trump said, according to the book excerpt. "I didn't realize you can spend a lot of time on this. Now I actually have time to make phone calls, and do other things and read papers that I wouldn't read."

For someone who is happy for being banned by Twitter, it is weird that Trump was caught red-handed trying to sneak back on Twitter.

Twitter announced it was permanently suspending Trump's account because of his incitement of violence.

But Trump figured he would just use a different Twitter account.

So Trump attempted to tweet using his official, government account @POTUS. But Twitter deleted the tweets within 10 minutes.

Trump next tried to use his official campaign account, @TeamTrump, but Twitter quickly suspended the account.

Next, Trump tried to use one of his staff's Twitter account, and got his staff person's account suspended

White House Digital Director Gary Coby's Twitter account is suspended