Trump says Americans owe him a "Thank You" for doing the "right thing".


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Trump says Americans owe him a "Thank You" for doing the "right thing".

During a recent WH Corona Virus briefing, tRump managed (as he often does) to make the discussion about HIM. If you watch these briefings, the "heaps" of praise that tRumps subordinates give him is comical. I guess, "kissing tRumps ass" is a condition of emoyment.
At any rate, tRump answered a reporter's question by saying that the press does not give HIM enough credit for the good things that HE does. tRump went on to say that Americans should THANK HIM when he does the RIGHT THING.

I was raised in rural America where doing the RIGHT THING was the expectation. In tRumps "take EVERYTHING that you can, ANYWAY that you can" world, doing the occasional RIGHT THING seems to be the exception that should always be rewarded with praise. This is simply a "deplorable" mindset......(
Hopefully the pressure from the media will continue to force him to do what is right for all of us, rather than his usual schtick which is to do what is right for TrumpCo.
I have followed tRump since his abysmal USFL days. This was long before his reality tv show (which was horrible in my opinion). As such, I am rarely astonished by anything a low class individual like tRump says or does. However, given the CV situation, this was even a low point for him-with the exception of his disgusting Romney comment.
During a recent WH Corona Virus briefing, tRump managed (as he often does) to make the discussion about HIM. If you watch these briefings, the "heaps" of praise that tRumps subordinates give him is comical. I guess, "kissing tRumps ass" is a condition of emoyment.
At any rate, tRump answered a reporter's question by saying that the press does not give HIM enough credit for the good things that HE does. tRump went on to say that Americans should THANK HIM when he does the RIGHT THING.

I was raised in rural America where doing the RIGHT THING was the expectation. In tRumps "take EVERYTHING that you can, ANYWAY that you can" world, doing the occasional RIGHT THING seems to be the exception that should always be rewarded with praise. This is simply a "deplorable" mindset......(

More self flattery by narcissistic Trump.
Well, maybe we SHOULD thank him for doing the right thing? Given how rarely he acts with any class and dignity, maybe it would serve as a form of motivation. Just saying....)
Thank you President Trump!

He’s a better man than you !

He is obviously better than you. Otherwise, you wouldn't worship him so much. Congrats, your loyalty puts you in esteem trumpanzee company.
Btw, if you are so insecure as to need a "hero" to worship, there are better options available to you. Just saying......)
Thank you President Trump!

He’s a better man than you !

He is obviously better than you. Otherwise, you wouldn't worship him so much. Congrats, your loyalty puts you in esteem trumpanzee company.
Btw, if you are so insecure as to need a "hero" to worship, there are better options available to you. Just saying......)
He is obviously better than you. Otherwise, you wouldn't worship him so much. Congrats, your loyalty puts you in esteem trumpanzee company.
Btw, if you are so insecure as to need a "hero" to worship, there are better options available to you. Just saying......)

Well , he’s doing a great job ....

And , you are a little piss ant !
During a recent WH Corona Virus briefing, tRump managed (as he often does) to make the discussion about HIM. If you watch these briefings, the "heaps" of praise that tRumps subordinates give him is comical. I guess, "kissing tRumps ass" is a condition of emoyment.
At any rate, tRump answered a reporter's question by saying that the press does not give HIM enough credit for the good things that HE does. tRump went on to say that Americans should THANK HIM when he does the RIGHT THING.

I was raised in rural America where doing the RIGHT THING was the expectation. In tRumps "take EVERYTHING that you can, ANYWAY that you can" world, doing the occasional RIGHT THING seems to be the exception that should always be rewarded with praise. This is simply a "deplorable" mindset......(
