Trump slapped with brutal failing grades after his first two years in office


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According to the editorial staff at Bloomberg, Donald Trump’s first two years of being president has been nothing short of a disaster filled with broken promises and failed policies.

In a report card compiled by various contributors, the president was rated using 13 metrics and flopped in nine of them with four receiving what can best be described as a “gentleman’s C’s.”
According to the report, the same expert contributors were asked to go back to metric standards they proposed at the beginning of Trump’s administration and see how he has fared.

In a word, Trump has done “poorly.”

Leading off, contributor Jonathan Bernstein pointed out that Trump’s approval rating has plummeted and his numbers are, in fact, “historically bad.”

“Trump’s first year was a public opinion disaster — he was almost always the lowest-ranked president, sometimes even moving up a bit higher as we reached a point in their presidencies where one of his predecessors had slumped,” Bernstein wrote, adding Trump’s approval had edged up, only to take a drop again due to his disastrous 35-day government shutdown.
Trump also took hits from the experts for a collapsing stock market that has angered Wall Street, and for increasing the deficit (“Trump has the dubious distinction of being the first leader among the Group of Seven –Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, U.K., U.S. — to see the deficit widen on his watch as a percentage of gross domestic product during a synchronized global expansion.”).

The president was also called out for boasting he would “get U.S. multinational corporations to bring back their foreign cash piles,” which has mostly been a failure.

While giving Trump credit for spurring growth in manufacturing jobs, Bloomberg’s Conor Sen writes that the Rust Belt — where Trump was surprisingly strong in the 2016 presidential election — has seen little job gains, which could endanger his 2020 presidential prospects

Trump's lack of interest in learning how and what to do is problematic. He is disputing with the intelligence chiefs who spent a lifetime working in the field saying they lack education and intelligence. Trump is still floundering.
Poor triggered snowflakes; but only in liberal dumbfuck land can one think that lower taxes, 3.5% GDP, historically low unemployment and more manufacturing jobs is a failed Presidency.

You people aren't merely stupid; but insane. :laugh:

According to the editorial staff at Bloomberg, Donald Trump’s first two years of being president has been nothing short of a disaster filled with broken promises and failed policies.

In a report card compiled by various contributors, the president was rated using 13 metrics and flopped in nine of them with four receiving what can best be described as a “gentleman’s C’s.”
According to the report, the same expert contributors were asked to go back to metric standards they proposed at the beginning of Trump’s administration and see how he has fared.

In a word, Trump has done “poorly.”

Leading off, contributor Jonathan Bernstein pointed out that Trump’s approval rating has plummeted and his numbers are, in fact, “historically bad.”

“Trump’s first year was a public opinion disaster — he was almost always the lowest-ranked president, sometimes even moving up a bit higher as we reached a point in their presidencies where one of his predecessors had slumped,” Bernstein wrote, adding Trump’s approval had edged up, only to take a drop again due to his disastrous 35-day government shutdown.
Trump also took hits from the experts for a collapsing stock market that has angered Wall Street, and for increasing the deficit (“Trump has the dubious distinction of being the first leader among the Group of Seven –Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, U.K., U.S. — to see the deficit widen on his watch as a percentage of gross domestic product during a synchronized global expansion.”).

The president was also called out for boasting he would “get U.S. multinational corporations to bring back their foreign cash piles,” which has mostly been a failure.

While giving Trump credit for spurring growth in manufacturing jobs, Bloomberg’s Conor Sen writes that the Rust Belt — where Trump was surprisingly strong in the 2016 presidential election — has seen little job gains, which could endanger his 2020 presidential prospects


Thank goodness trump has failed his supporters in the rust belt. But the inbreeding racist rednecks will still vote for him in 2020 because trump has given them something much more important than a decent paying job. The right to be themselves without covering up their faces with white hoods.
Poor triggered snowflakes; but only in liberal dumbfuck land can one think that lower taxes, 3.5% GDP, historically low unemployment and more manufacturing jobs is a failed Presidency.

You people aren't merely stupid; but insane. :laugh:


Hey truth defecator - whats it like to be constantly fucked up the arse by the Grand Wizard and his gay lover?
Trump the failed president

Only if you have the IQ of a lemming. There is nothing "failed" about tax cuts, booming economy and decades low unemployment. I do wish leftists had brains; but then they would not be the whiny, dumb, clueless dunces we know them to be.
Thank goodness trump has failed his supporters in the rust belt. But the inbreeding racist rednecks will still vote for him in 2020 because trump has given them something much more important than a decent paying job. The right to be themselves without covering up their faces with white hoods.


According to the editorial staff at Bloomberg, Donald Trump’s first two years of being president has been nothing short of a disaster filled with broken promises and failed policies.

In a report card compiled by various contributors, the president was rated using 13 metrics and flopped in nine of them with four receiving what can best be described as a “gentleman’s C’s.”
According to the report, the same expert contributors were asked to go back to metric standards they proposed at the beginning of Trump’s administration and see how he has fared.

In a word, Trump has done “poorly.”

Leading off, contributor Jonathan Bernstein pointed out that Trump’s approval rating has plummeted and his numbers are, in fact, “historically bad.”

“Trump’s first year was a public opinion disaster — he was almost always the lowest-ranked president, sometimes even moving up a bit higher as we reached a point in their presidencies where one of his predecessors had slumped,” Bernstein wrote, adding Trump’s approval had edged up, only to take a drop again due to his disastrous 35-day government shutdown.
Trump also took hits from the experts for a collapsing stock market that has angered Wall Street, and for increasing the deficit (“Trump has the dubious distinction of being the first leader among the Group of Seven –Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, U.K., U.S. — to see the deficit widen on his watch as a percentage of gross domestic product during a synchronized global expansion.”).

The president was also called out for boasting he would “get U.S. multinational corporations to bring back their foreign cash piles,” which has mostly been a failure.

While giving Trump credit for spurring growth in manufacturing jobs, Bloomberg’s Conor Sen writes that the Rust Belt — where Trump was surprisingly strong in the 2016 presidential election — has seen little job gains, which could endanger his 2020 presidential prospects


Geez, what a surprise.

Of course, we all know you have to be a fucking moron to vote for a fucking moron.

Hello floridafan,

According to the editorial staff at Bloomberg, Donald Trump’s first two years of being president has been nothing short of a disaster filled with broken promises and failed policies.

In a report card compiled by various contributors, the president was rated using 13 metrics and flopped in nine of them with four receiving what can best be described as a “gentleman’s C’s.”
According to the report, the same expert contributors were asked to go back to metric standards they proposed at the beginning of Trump’s administration and see how he has fared.

In a word, Trump has done “poorly.”

Leading off, contributor Jonathan Bernstein pointed out that Trump’s approval rating has plummeted and his numbers are, in fact, “historically bad.”

“Trump’s first year was a public opinion disaster — he was almost always the lowest-ranked president, sometimes even moving up a bit higher as we reached a point in their presidencies where one of his predecessors had slumped,” Bernstein wrote, adding Trump’s approval had edged up, only to take a drop again due to his disastrous 35-day government shutdown.
Trump also took hits from the experts for a collapsing stock market that has angered Wall Street, and for increasing the deficit (“Trump has the dubious distinction of being the first leader among the Group of Seven –Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, U.K., U.S. — to see the deficit widen on his watch as a percentage of gross domestic product during a synchronized global expansion.”).

The president was also called out for boasting he would “get U.S. multinational corporations to bring back their foreign cash piles,” which has mostly been a failure.

While giving Trump credit for spurring growth in manufacturing jobs, Bloomberg’s Conor Sen writes that the Rust Belt — where Trump was surprisingly strong in the 2016 presidential election — has seen little job gains, which could endanger his 2020 presidential prospects


Donald Trump is a failure as a Human Being!

Ironic coming from a loser who defines failure every damned day. I am amused when losers on an internet forum think they are so much smarter than a man who donates his entire $400K paycheck to charity, owns a Boeing 757 and sits in the White House.

But alas, you are a low IQ moron who doesn't have the grey matter it would take to comprehend the OBVIOUS or the truth. ;)

Ironic coming from a loser who defines failure every damned day. I am amused when losers on an internet forum think they are so much smarter than a man who donates his entire $400K paycheck to charity, owns a Boeing 757 and sits in the White House.

But alas, you are a low IQ moron who doesn't have the grey matter it would take to comprehend the OBVIOUS or the truth. ;)


Do you think your little tiny-fisted tirades, insults, and dumbass quotes have any more positive effect than those of Donald Trump?

You better go find you a new example to follow! LOL!