Trump speak


Staff member
I find at times listening to Trump is like nails on a chalkboard.

His broken sentences, and changing thoughts mid sentence makes him hard to follow.

The latest thing that has me laughing is how he uses the adverb strongly as an adjective or a noun.

What makes you laugh, cringe, change the channel when you hear Trump speak besides his lies?
My friend & I have a drinking game where we drink every time Trump says "tremendous success" in the COVID briefings. We end up drunk.

Trump's newest tweet defines what is so wrong w/ his speech. He says the most often used phrase in the "Lamestream media" is "sources say." But he always makes wild claims with the tagline that "people are saying this," "many are talking about it," or "I"ve heard from many people." Which are obvious lies.

And he courts controversy. He has said he loves this. It's why he came out on Thursday w/ a very measured approach to reopening, and then incited followers w/ the "liberate" tweets of Friday.

His strategies for manipulation are so tried & true, so repetitive. It's amazing we haven't caught up w/ that as a country, and figured out what he's really doing.
I find at times listening to Trump is like nails on a chalkboard.

His broken sentences, and changing thoughts mid sentence makes him hard to follow.

The latest thing that has me laughing is how he uses the adverb strongly as an adjective or a noun.

What makes you laugh, cringe, change the channel when you hear Trump speak besides his lies?
I am reticent to listen to him speak for the same reason I avoid reading certain posters:

I do not want the stupid to rub off on me
I find at times listening to Trump is like nails on a chalkboard.

His broken sentences, and changing thoughts mid sentence makes him hard to follow.

The latest thing that has me laughing is how he uses the adverb strongly as an adjective or a noun.

What makes you laugh, cringe, change the channel when you hear Trump speak besides his lies?

I get pretty pissed off by the way you Septics take a noun and turn it into a verb, burglarise is a good example!

"I am reticent to listen to him speak for the same reason I avoid reading certain posters:

I do not want the stupid to rub off on me."


I find at times listening to Trump is like nails on a chalkboard.

His broken sentences, and changing thoughts mid sentence makes him hard to follow.

The latest thing that has me laughing is how he uses the adverb strongly as an adjective or a noun.

What makes you laugh, cringe, change the channel when you hear Trump speak besides his lies?

And yet, you have no problem with Dementia Joe, or Nazi Pelosi. Go figure.