Trump supporters report blurry vision and mysterious symptoms after sitting behind him at Arizona rally


“It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown”

TUCSON, ARIZONA: Supporters of GOP nominee Donald Trump reported suffering from a mysterious malady after sitting behind him on stage at a campaign rally in Tucson on Thursday, September 12.

According to the Daily Mail, at least half a dozen people who were seated on the side of the stage that Trump used to enter and exit complained of severe irritation in their eyes after the event and required medical attention.

The Trump campaign has heeded the report and shared that they are collecting information on the incident. Meanwhile, a spokesman for the Secret Service stated that there was no known threat to the former president at the site.

Rally-goer details her sudden illness​

Maya Rodriguez, a former Democrat supporter turned Trump fan who was present on stage at the rally, stated that her "eyes were burning" when she left, which resulted in her heading towards the emergency room soon after returning home.

"The emergency room staff, from the triage nurse to the PA asked are you sure you didn't get sprayed with something? Your symptoms look like you got sprayed with something," she said, adding that she could barely see for the next two days.

"I can't see anything when I try to open my eyes. I see a bright light. It hurts, it hurts a lot to open my eyes. I have this cold cloth I put on and take off constantly. It's horrible," shared Rodriguez in an interview with a local news channel.

Her vision returned the following Tuesday, but Rodriguez was troubled upon finding out that other people who were near her had similar experiences.

"It kept getting worse and worse, my eyes were watering a lot, my nose started running then I started feeling my face get really flushed and my neck felt like it was on fire and it just progressed from there," an anonymous attendee told the network.
Here Hawkeye, boy. Now be good and maybe I'll give you a treat and a pat on the head. Here,.... let me adjust that collar of yours a bit.