Among his many "self-professed" talents, tRump now thinks that he is psychic.
During today's briefing, tRump said that he talked by phone to a person that had died from CV. According to tRump, the phone call occured a day AFTER the person died. Now, we all know that it is next to impossible for "Joe Citizen" to reach any POTUS directly by phone. In addition, it is a proven medical fact that dead people cannot make phone calls.
Obviously, tRUMP got his "babbling" confused and misspoke. However, the trumpanzees only seen to notice Biden's misspeak....)
During today's briefing, tRump said that he talked by phone to a person that had died from CV. According to tRump, the phone call occured a day AFTER the person died. Now, we all know that it is next to impossible for "Joe Citizen" to reach any POTUS directly by phone. In addition, it is a proven medical fact that dead people cannot make phone calls.
Obviously, tRUMP got his "babbling" confused and misspoke. However, the trumpanzees only seen to notice Biden's misspeak....)