tRump team ALREADY working on a Biden transition.

For months you butt heads have been predicting that Trump would not leave the WH without force. Now you change your tune make up your mind!
For months you butt heads have been predicting that Trump would not leave the WH without force. Now you change your tune make up your mind!

Geez, that went over your head didnt it tRumpie???
The SUBJECT was the hipicrisy of the tRump bullshit that folks like you believe.
Try and peddle a little faster please. Thanks.
Geez, that went over your head didnt it tRumpie???
The SUBJECT was the hipicrisy of the tRump bullshit that folks like you believe.
Try and peddle a little faster please. Thanks.

Hey butt head does this look familiar?
He knows that if he loses, he leaves.
That is what I was referring to. If you can't keep up take notes.
Hey butt head does this look familiar? That is what I was referring to. If you can't keep up take notes.

Damn, do you need tutoring and remediation to understand a simple topic?
The subject-which apparently still eludes you-is what tRump says and what his minions like you believe. The topic is not about what I believe, but how tRump continues to "play" his morons.
I know perfectly well that tRump will go and will go peacefully regardless of the crap that he feeds the "chimps".