Trump Tells America What Kind of Nationalist he is

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
In a series of tweets attacking four Democratic congresswomen, the president reiterated his belief that only white people can truly be American.

Thankfully he and his base: the white trash goyim are on the down side of the demographics

When Trump told these women to “go back,” he was not making a factual claim about where they were born. He was stating his ideological belief that American citizenship is fundamentally racial, that only white people can truly be citizens, and that people of color, immigrants in particular, are only conditionally American. This is a cornerstone of white nationalism, and one of the president’s few closely held ideological beliefs. It is a moral conviction, not a statement of fact. If these women could all trace their family line back to 1776, it would not make them more American than Trump, a descendant of German immigrants whose ancestors arrived relatively recently, because he is white and they are not..