Trump the Chump

I don't care what Europe does, only when it affects the USA, I doubt you fully understand either as well. It seems to be a complicated issue. I just know that our backing out of it has put China in a very good position.

well, China was floundering.....perhaps its best if we keep them from failing......
This man, Trump, that his base found so brilliant is an idiot, a Chump, who knows not what he does.

Okay, I have to admit that I strongly dislike Friedman, and that he, in my estimate, fell through the floor when he declared, during the run-up to the war on Iraq in 2003, France to be at war with the U.S.

That said, I find Friedman has yet to exhibit any serious grasp of the Trump phenomenon. The man is half entertainer, half insecure bully in pursuit of his naked self-interest, disregarding just about anything else. With that in mind, that the Trumpy doesn't know what he's doing (outside of his pursuit of his self-interest) is just a given, not the result of some serious analysis. He plainly and patently doesn't know, and neither cares about the U.S.'s geo-strategic position in the world, or would ever care to learn how to advance anything related to that. Scrapping TPP was the entertainer, the White nationalist, Bannon side of Trump, feeding his blue collar followers some red meat. At that moment, that aim trumped any and all concerns about geopolitics. That's just how the Trumpy ticks.

I, for one, find it patently hilarious to see Friedman, the Bush fluffer extraordinaire, to whine about the lack of "toughness, patience and savvy" in the current pretend-President. Moreover...

"That's why the Peterson Institute for International Economics estimated that U.S. national income would have grown by some $130 billion a year by 2030 with TPP - a nice boost for U.S. workers.​

... carrying the neo-liberal water for TPP, which sure would be a "boost", almost exclusively for international "investors" (more aptly dubbed gamblers and vultures), but almost certainly none for U.S. workers, is just the icing on the non-palatable Friedman cake of grandiose platitudes.
I don't care what Europe does, only when it affects the USA, I doubt you fully understand either as well. It seems to be a complicated issue. I just know that our backing out of it has put China in a very good position.

Seriously you really don't do yourself any favours, TTIP is a putative agreement between the USA and the EU ffs. HuffPo think that TPP is bad as well but who cares what they think, right?

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Seriously you really don't do yourself any favours, TTIP is a putative agreement between the USA and the EU ffs. HuffPo think that TPP is bad as well but who cares what they think, right?

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His totally withdrawing has left a void, which China was only to happy to fill.
He could have renegotiated and improved those aspects of the treaty that he felt were detrimental to our economy.
I don't care what Europe does, only when it affects the USA, I doubt you fully understand either as well. It seems to be a complicated issue. I just know that our backing out of it has put China in a very good position.

the idiots think TTP was a deal WITH CHINA