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The following is based on excerpts from two essays that I posted a while back. The first essay was entitled “How to Become the Leader of the Republican Party”, posted on March 2020. The second essay was entitled “How to Remain the Leader of the Republican Party”, posted on October 2020.
##### Why Trump Became the Leader of the Republican Party #####
- His qualifications:
-- he’s a serial liar
-- he was a “reality” TV star ... and he had a talent for saying “you’re fired”
-- he owns a small family business ... which he ran into the ground six times
-- he owned the Miss Universe organization ... and he took sneak peeks at contestants in their dressing rooms
-- he’s a deadbeat ... he doesn’t like to pay his bills
-- he was a draft dodger ... he came down with a bad case of phony bone spurs
-- he has no respect for America’s POWs ... he only respects people who weren’t captured
-- he’s afraid to show his tax returns ... apparently he has a lot to hide
-- he’s easily duped by baseless conspiracy theories that defy common sense
-- he’s a birther, because he’s insanely jealous of Obama
-- he’s Putin’s choice, because he craves Putin’s approval
- His accomplishments:
-- he was a job creator; he created thousands of jobs ... but NOT for Americans
-- he was a Vietnam war hero; he bravely served his country by “guarding” the New York City nightclubs
-- he ran a scam university ... Trump U (aka, Trump Will Scam U)
-- he ran a scam charity ... the “Charity for Trump” charity
- He showed that he has a “very large” brain:
-- by having NO understanding of MOST of the important issues that face our nation and our world
-- by having no understanding of the danger of not understanding these issues
-- by having no desire, and no ability, to learn anything about these issues
-- by ignoring the advice of people who DO understand these issues
-- by claiming that he knows more about these issues than everyone else
-- bottom line: by being a know-nothing know-it-all
- In addition to all of the above:
-- he was a master showman, and a master entertainer
-- he was a master con artist, and a master brainwasher
-- he convinced the Republican Party, and the religious right, to allow him to use them for his personal gain
-- he convinced his fans to cheer him when he promised to $crew them
-- he convinced his fans that “stupid” is smarter than “smart”
-- he convinced his fans that “facts are lies” and “lies are facts”
-- he convinced his fans that “real news is fake news” and “fake news is real news”
-- he convinced his fans that ANYTHING and EVERYTHING he says is the ABSOLUTE truth
-- he convinced his fans that HE, and HE ALONE, can fix things that he knows LITTLE OR NOTHING about
-- he promised to destroy our DEMOCRACY if he didn’t get his way, and he promised to destroy our GOVERNMENT if he did get his way (these promises are consistent with the book entitled “Everything Trump Touches Dies”, which was written by a Republican strategist)
##### Why Trump Remains the Leader of the Republican Party #####
- He thinks that governing is:
-- like acting in a “reality” TV show where he is the star, and “reality” is what HE wants it to be
-- like running a small family business, where he has ABSOLUTE POWER over EVERYTHING
-- entertaining at pep rallies ... where he lies, whines, brags, screams, and acts like a CLOWN
-- tweeting ... where he lies, whines, and brags
-- calling into Fox News ... where he lies, whines, brags, and gets advice on how to handle important issues that face our nation
-- doing “executive time” ... where he lies in bed watching TV and eating cheeseburgers
-- playing lots and lots of golf
-- making up childish nicknames for people he doesn’t like
-- having his VP and his cabinet kiss his rump for the TV cameras
-- having his Radical Right Republican sycophants in Congress kiss his rump for the TV cameras
-- undoing Obama’s accomplishments, driven by his insane jealousy of Obama
-- creating chaos at home and abroad
-- promoting baseless conspiracy theories that defy common sense
-- being the Divider-in-Chief
-- being the Low-Life-in-Chief
-- being pure evil
-- leading us into the past, and ignoring the future
-- AND: creating the GREATEST MESS in American history for his successor to clean-up
- He made American great again:
-- by attacking institutions that make America great; for example: >by demonizing our free press; >by attacking our judicial system; >by undermining our right to vote; >by dismantling our Post Offices
-- by demonizing career public servants who work hard every day to make America great; for example: by calling them the “deep state”
-- by firing people who abide by our laws, and hiring crooks to run our country
-- by firing competent people, and hiring incompetent people to run our country
-- by separating kids from their parents with NO PLAN to re-unite them
-- bottom line: by having NO IDEA of what makes America great
- He made America safe again:
-- by attacking the people who keep America safe; for example: by attacking the people in our intelligence agencies
-- by undermining agencies that keep America safe; for example: the DHS; the EPA; the CDC; the FDA
-- by blurting out our nation’s secret information to foreign nationals (including Russians)
-- by bringing us to the brink of nuclear war with North Korea
-- by deliberately mismanaging the Covid crisis for his political benefit
- He made Mexico pay for the wall:
-- by confiscating money from our military to pay for it (and thus, by confiscating money from us)
-- bottom line: he made Mexico pay for the wall, by making America pay for the wall
- He put America first:
-- by putting us first in the total number of Covid cases
-- by putting us first in the daily number of Covid cases
-- by putting us first in the number of Covid deaths
- He fought for average Americans:
-- by fighting to take affordable healthcare away from millions of average Americans
-- by fighting to undermine programs that benefit senior Americans; for example: Social Security and Medicare
-- by fighting to undermine programs that help low-income Americans; for example: Medicaid and food stamps
- He showed that he, and he alone, can fix it:
-- by trying to break our healthcare system; for example: by undermining, and trying to repeal, the Affordable Care Act
-- by breaking the Iran deal
-- by breaking the deal with our partners in the Paris Climate Agreement
-- bottom line #1: by being better at breaking than fixing
-- bottom line #2: by having NO idea of how to fix much of anything, because he does not understand much of anything
- He showed that he was a “wartime president” in the fight against Covid:
-- by ignoring warnings that the enemy was heading our way
-- by ignoring the enemy when it attacked us
-- by failing to devise an effective war plan to combat the enemy
-- by telling his troops “you’re on your own”, and refusing to arm them
-- by pretending that he is winning the war
-- by pretending that the war is almost over
-- bottom line: by being a “wartime deserter"
- He showed that he loves our police:
-- by opposing Covid aid to state and local governments; and thus, slashing police budgets; and thus, defunding the police
-- by inciting a mob to bash in the heads of Capitol police
-- bottom line: by implementing “blues lives don’t matter” policies
- He showed that he is the law-and-order president:
-- by pardoning convicted criminals
-- by encouraging Russia to illegally interfere with our 2016 election, in order to rig the election in his favor
-- by trying to force Ukraine to illegally interfere with our 2020 election, in order to rig the election in his favor
-- by inciting a mob to storm the Capitol to viciously attack the Capitol police, to steal and damage government property, and to attempt to commit mass murder
-- bottom line: by being the lawless law-and-order president
- In addition to all of the above:
-- he continued to be a master showman, and a master entertainer
-- he continued to be a master con artist, and a master brainwasher
-- he convinced his fans that the 2020 election was stolen from him, despite the fact that he has NOT been able to show them, nor the courts, any REAL evidence of that
-- he convinced a mob that “attacking our democracy” is “defending our democracy”
-- he convinced a mob that “trampling on our Constitution” is “protecting our Constitution”
-- he convinced a mob that “insurrection is patriotism” and “patriots are traitors”
-- he convinced a mob that “destroying America” is “saving America”
-- he convinced a mob that “stealing the election” that Biden won is “stopping the steal”
-- he convinced a mob that “right is wrong” and “wrong is right”
##### In Conclusion #####
After Trump was impeached for trying to illegally rig the 2020 election, he continued his efforts to rig it. And when he couldn’t rig it, he tried to steal it. Apparently, his motto is: If you can’t rig it, steal it.
As we all know, he wasn’t able to rig the 2020 election in his favor, even though he tried every dirty trick that his self-proclaimed “good brain” could think of. And as we all know, after he failed to rig the election enough to win it, he invented the LIE that the election was stolen from him, even though he KNEW that there was NO evidence that the election was stolen from him. And then, he tried every dirty trick that he could think of to steal the election from Biden. His dirty tricks included inciting violence, looting, destruction, insurrection, maiming, and murder. (Is this what Melania means when she says “Be Best”?)
But despite all of that, Trump STILL remains the leader of a HUGE portion of the Republican Party. That includes the Radical Right Republicans (aka, the Anti-Democracy Republicans), the RepublicaNazis, and the MAGA Terrorists (aka, the MAGATs), who now dominate the Republican Party.
Trump said that he could shoot somebody on Fifth Avenue, and he wouldn’t lose any fans. Obviously, he was right on the money when he made that pathological statement. In fact, what he did on January 6th was WORSE than his beautiful “Fifth Avenue” dream. Because of him, a number of Capitol police are now dead. And it could have been EVEN WORSE. Many members of Congress, many Congressional staffers, the Vice President, and many others in the Capitol, could have been murdered because of him. And now, our entire nation is living under the threat of the Trump death squads.
But despite all of that, most of his fans still worship him, and he remains the leader of the Republican Party. Hitler and Mussolini would be proud of him.
##### Why Trump Became the Leader of the Republican Party #####
- His qualifications:
-- he’s a serial liar
-- he was a “reality” TV star ... and he had a talent for saying “you’re fired”
-- he owns a small family business ... which he ran into the ground six times
-- he owned the Miss Universe organization ... and he took sneak peeks at contestants in their dressing rooms
-- he’s a deadbeat ... he doesn’t like to pay his bills
-- he was a draft dodger ... he came down with a bad case of phony bone spurs
-- he has no respect for America’s POWs ... he only respects people who weren’t captured
-- he’s afraid to show his tax returns ... apparently he has a lot to hide
-- he’s easily duped by baseless conspiracy theories that defy common sense
-- he’s a birther, because he’s insanely jealous of Obama
-- he’s Putin’s choice, because he craves Putin’s approval
- His accomplishments:
-- he was a job creator; he created thousands of jobs ... but NOT for Americans
-- he was a Vietnam war hero; he bravely served his country by “guarding” the New York City nightclubs
-- he ran a scam university ... Trump U (aka, Trump Will Scam U)
-- he ran a scam charity ... the “Charity for Trump” charity
- He showed that he has a “very large” brain:
-- by having NO understanding of MOST of the important issues that face our nation and our world
-- by having no understanding of the danger of not understanding these issues
-- by having no desire, and no ability, to learn anything about these issues
-- by ignoring the advice of people who DO understand these issues
-- by claiming that he knows more about these issues than everyone else
-- bottom line: by being a know-nothing know-it-all
- In addition to all of the above:
-- he was a master showman, and a master entertainer
-- he was a master con artist, and a master brainwasher
-- he convinced the Republican Party, and the religious right, to allow him to use them for his personal gain
-- he convinced his fans to cheer him when he promised to $crew them
-- he convinced his fans that “stupid” is smarter than “smart”
-- he convinced his fans that “facts are lies” and “lies are facts”
-- he convinced his fans that “real news is fake news” and “fake news is real news”
-- he convinced his fans that ANYTHING and EVERYTHING he says is the ABSOLUTE truth
-- he convinced his fans that HE, and HE ALONE, can fix things that he knows LITTLE OR NOTHING about
-- he promised to destroy our DEMOCRACY if he didn’t get his way, and he promised to destroy our GOVERNMENT if he did get his way (these promises are consistent with the book entitled “Everything Trump Touches Dies”, which was written by a Republican strategist)
##### Why Trump Remains the Leader of the Republican Party #####
- He thinks that governing is:
-- like acting in a “reality” TV show where he is the star, and “reality” is what HE wants it to be
-- like running a small family business, where he has ABSOLUTE POWER over EVERYTHING
-- entertaining at pep rallies ... where he lies, whines, brags, screams, and acts like a CLOWN
-- tweeting ... where he lies, whines, and brags
-- calling into Fox News ... where he lies, whines, brags, and gets advice on how to handle important issues that face our nation
-- doing “executive time” ... where he lies in bed watching TV and eating cheeseburgers
-- playing lots and lots of golf
-- making up childish nicknames for people he doesn’t like
-- having his VP and his cabinet kiss his rump for the TV cameras
-- having his Radical Right Republican sycophants in Congress kiss his rump for the TV cameras
-- undoing Obama’s accomplishments, driven by his insane jealousy of Obama
-- creating chaos at home and abroad
-- promoting baseless conspiracy theories that defy common sense
-- being the Divider-in-Chief
-- being the Low-Life-in-Chief
-- being pure evil
-- leading us into the past, and ignoring the future
-- AND: creating the GREATEST MESS in American history for his successor to clean-up
- He made American great again:
-- by attacking institutions that make America great; for example: >by demonizing our free press; >by attacking our judicial system; >by undermining our right to vote; >by dismantling our Post Offices
-- by demonizing career public servants who work hard every day to make America great; for example: by calling them the “deep state”
-- by firing people who abide by our laws, and hiring crooks to run our country
-- by firing competent people, and hiring incompetent people to run our country
-- by separating kids from their parents with NO PLAN to re-unite them
-- bottom line: by having NO IDEA of what makes America great
- He made America safe again:
-- by attacking the people who keep America safe; for example: by attacking the people in our intelligence agencies
-- by undermining agencies that keep America safe; for example: the DHS; the EPA; the CDC; the FDA
-- by blurting out our nation’s secret information to foreign nationals (including Russians)
-- by bringing us to the brink of nuclear war with North Korea
-- by deliberately mismanaging the Covid crisis for his political benefit
- He made Mexico pay for the wall:
-- by confiscating money from our military to pay for it (and thus, by confiscating money from us)
-- bottom line: he made Mexico pay for the wall, by making America pay for the wall
- He put America first:
-- by putting us first in the total number of Covid cases
-- by putting us first in the daily number of Covid cases
-- by putting us first in the number of Covid deaths
- He fought for average Americans:
-- by fighting to take affordable healthcare away from millions of average Americans
-- by fighting to undermine programs that benefit senior Americans; for example: Social Security and Medicare
-- by fighting to undermine programs that help low-income Americans; for example: Medicaid and food stamps
- He showed that he, and he alone, can fix it:
-- by trying to break our healthcare system; for example: by undermining, and trying to repeal, the Affordable Care Act
-- by breaking the Iran deal
-- by breaking the deal with our partners in the Paris Climate Agreement
-- bottom line #1: by being better at breaking than fixing
-- bottom line #2: by having NO idea of how to fix much of anything, because he does not understand much of anything
- He showed that he was a “wartime president” in the fight against Covid:
-- by ignoring warnings that the enemy was heading our way
-- by ignoring the enemy when it attacked us
-- by failing to devise an effective war plan to combat the enemy
-- by telling his troops “you’re on your own”, and refusing to arm them
-- by pretending that he is winning the war
-- by pretending that the war is almost over
-- bottom line: by being a “wartime deserter"
- He showed that he loves our police:
-- by opposing Covid aid to state and local governments; and thus, slashing police budgets; and thus, defunding the police
-- by inciting a mob to bash in the heads of Capitol police
-- bottom line: by implementing “blues lives don’t matter” policies
- He showed that he is the law-and-order president:
-- by pardoning convicted criminals
-- by encouraging Russia to illegally interfere with our 2016 election, in order to rig the election in his favor
-- by trying to force Ukraine to illegally interfere with our 2020 election, in order to rig the election in his favor
-- by inciting a mob to storm the Capitol to viciously attack the Capitol police, to steal and damage government property, and to attempt to commit mass murder
-- bottom line: by being the lawless law-and-order president
- In addition to all of the above:
-- he continued to be a master showman, and a master entertainer
-- he continued to be a master con artist, and a master brainwasher
-- he convinced his fans that the 2020 election was stolen from him, despite the fact that he has NOT been able to show them, nor the courts, any REAL evidence of that
-- he convinced a mob that “attacking our democracy” is “defending our democracy”
-- he convinced a mob that “trampling on our Constitution” is “protecting our Constitution”
-- he convinced a mob that “insurrection is patriotism” and “patriots are traitors”
-- he convinced a mob that “destroying America” is “saving America”
-- he convinced a mob that “stealing the election” that Biden won is “stopping the steal”
-- he convinced a mob that “right is wrong” and “wrong is right”
##### In Conclusion #####
After Trump was impeached for trying to illegally rig the 2020 election, he continued his efforts to rig it. And when he couldn’t rig it, he tried to steal it. Apparently, his motto is: If you can’t rig it, steal it.
As we all know, he wasn’t able to rig the 2020 election in his favor, even though he tried every dirty trick that his self-proclaimed “good brain” could think of. And as we all know, after he failed to rig the election enough to win it, he invented the LIE that the election was stolen from him, even though he KNEW that there was NO evidence that the election was stolen from him. And then, he tried every dirty trick that he could think of to steal the election from Biden. His dirty tricks included inciting violence, looting, destruction, insurrection, maiming, and murder. (Is this what Melania means when she says “Be Best”?)
But despite all of that, Trump STILL remains the leader of a HUGE portion of the Republican Party. That includes the Radical Right Republicans (aka, the Anti-Democracy Republicans), the RepublicaNazis, and the MAGA Terrorists (aka, the MAGATs), who now dominate the Republican Party.
Trump said that he could shoot somebody on Fifth Avenue, and he wouldn’t lose any fans. Obviously, he was right on the money when he made that pathological statement. In fact, what he did on January 6th was WORSE than his beautiful “Fifth Avenue” dream. Because of him, a number of Capitol police are now dead. And it could have been EVEN WORSE. Many members of Congress, many Congressional staffers, the Vice President, and many others in the Capitol, could have been murdered because of him. And now, our entire nation is living under the threat of the Trump death squads.
But despite all of that, most of his fans still worship him, and he remains the leader of the Republican Party. Hitler and Mussolini would be proud of him.