tRUMP turns virtual town hall into a campaign rally "lie fest".


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Under the background of the Lincoln Memorial (which likely caused Lincoln himself to roll over in his grave) tRUMP turned what was touted as a CV townhall into a campaign rally "liefest".

During the "softball" interview on "trumpnews" aka "Foxsnooze", tRUMP was allowed to peddle blatant lies and misinformation with little pushback from the shows hosts.

You would think that in times of a national emergency, a POTUS would somehow manage to "shoot straight" with the American public. Then again, asking a pathetic and immoral pathological liar to change his stripes, is a bit unrealistic afterall.

For the "braindead" RUMP supporters, let me quickly clear up one blatant lie: tRUMP stated that almost all states are headed in the right direction regarding CV outbreaks. FALSE! in actuality, less than 35% of the states are trending in a positive direction. tRUMP also incorrectly commented about Fauci's early comments about the spread of CV.
Hopefully, there will come a day when the trumpanzees figure out how tRUMP plays on their laziness and unintelligence. Hopefully, that day comes sooner than later.