Trump Value Added Future


"I Bring You Life!"
Comment: Trump's support isn't coming from evangelical right wing Christians. His main support is coming from the blue collar white guys without college degrees.

FC: TRUMP'S support is across ALL demographics, including, for a Republican, very high unprecedented support among Democrats, Blacks, Jews, Women, Youth, and Hispanics. He will rule this country with with an iron hand, backed by an across the board consensus opposing ALL Establishments in this nation. All Establishment Special Interests are bloated blood sucking parasites that need to be totally crushed under the national will and purpose, and Trump will lead us to do exactly that. NO entity will be allowed to function contrary to the National Interest, as determined by the whole people of the nation. Big companies and Churches, and every single entity will have to watch their back if they dare to try to screw this nation and its people. Jail will be full of them. Google FounderChurch Portal for the details of the intellectual rationale for the Trump Revolution.