Trump Vows To Revitalize 'Happy Meals'

Knuckles Neanderthal

Trump Promises To Bring Back The Good Happy Meal Toys
PHILADELPHIA, PA — Minutes into working his first shift, President Trump has vowed to bring back all of the super cool Happy Meal toys that McDonald's once handed out to children.
Trump Promises To Bring Back The Good Happy Meal Toys
PHILADELPHIA, PA — Minutes into working his first shift, President Trump has vowed to bring back all of the super cool Happy Meal toys that McDonald's once handed out to children.

I loved seeing Trump work at McDonalds. It almost made you think he has a soul. He honestly seemed to be like a kid in a candy store. It's actually kinda nice to see that one of the most vile scum can have a personality.

I bet if Hitler had done a few shifts WORKING at a beer hall he might have been able to get to Chancellor without having to have his thugs burn down the Reichstag!