Trump vs Biden, this is why Trump is 10 times better

401k statements from Fidelity

Trump years in office

Your Personal Rate of Return
This Period 63.3%
Your Personal Rate of Return is calculated with a time-weighted formula, widely used by financial analysts to calculate investment earnings. It reflects the results of your investment selections as well as any activity in the plan account(s) shown. There are other Personal Rate of Return formulas used that may yield different results. Remember that past performance is no guarantee of future results.

Biden first year

Your Personal Rate of Return
This Period 6.9%
Your Personal Rate of Return is calculated with a time-weighted formula, widely used by financial analysts to calculate investment earnings. It reflects the results of your investment selections as well as any activity in the plan account(s) shown. There are other Personal Rate of Return formulas used that may yield different results. Remember that past performance is no guarantee of future results.

YTD -5.2% rate of return
401k statements from Fidelity

Trump years in office

Your Personal Rate of Return
This Period 63.3%
Your Personal Rate of Return is calculated with a time-weighted formula, widely used by financial analysts to calculate investment earnings. It reflects the results of your investment selections as well as any activity in the plan account(s) shown. There are other Personal Rate of Return formulas used that may yield different results. Remember that past performance is no guarantee of future results.

Biden first year

Your Personal Rate of Return
This Period 6.9%
Your Personal Rate of Return is calculated with a time-weighted formula, widely used by financial analysts to calculate investment earnings. It reflects the results of your investment selections as well as any activity in the plan account(s) shown. There are other Personal Rate of Return formulas used that may yield different results. Remember that past performance is no guarantee of future results.

YTD -5.2% rate of return

I guess you don't quite understand that YOUR personal rate of return can only apply to YOU.

For people actually invested in the market, this was the return on investment in 2021. (And it doesn't include dividends.)
the S&P 500 gained 26.9% for the year. The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) gained 18.7% in 2021, while the Nasdaq Composite gained 21.4%.

That your return was less than 1/3 of the return for the worst performing market index points to you doing some bad investing.

By the way, I am curious when Fidelity started using "Trump" and "Biden" as the time periods for listing your returns on their statements. I know of no financial institution that would list a 4 year period from a year ago. They normally list 1, 5, 10 and lifetime returns.
I guess you don't quite understand that YOUR personal rate of return can only apply to YOU.

For people actually invested in the market, this was the return on investment in 2021. (And it doesn't include dividends.)

That your return was less than 1/3 of the return for the worst performing market index points to you doing some bad investing.

By the way, I am curious when Fidelity started using "Trump" and "Biden" as the time periods for listing your returns on their statements. I know of no financial institution that would list a 4 year period from a year ago. They normally list 1, 5, 10 and lifetime returns.

I can always spot a dumbfuck when it comes to investing, are you not aware of custom statements for certain time periods? they can be requested at any time right on your own dashboard.....LOL Biden sucks for anyone investing in energy markets. He is a total fuck up. So Trump is best of the best using your analogy for the average market returns ........ thank for admitting I am right which is the better President and administration
I can always spot a dumbfuck when it comes to investing, are you not aware of custom statements for certain time periods? they can be requested at any time right on your own dashboard.....LOL Biden sucks for anyone investing in energy markets. He is a total fuck up. So Trump is best of the best using your analogy for the average market returns ........ thank for admitting I am right which is the better President and administration

not only that, but the returns on an index are simply the return on the securities associated with that index. Yes it is possible to buy something that uses the index but thats seldom the case.

its is always hilarious to see lefties opine on the financial markets.
not only that, but the returns on an index are simply the return on the securities associated with that index. Yes it is possible to buy something that uses the index but thats seldom the case.

its is always hilarious to see lefties opine on the financial markets.

one can tell they are clueless when they start quoting averages
401k statements from Fidelity

Trump years in office

Your Personal Rate of Return
This Period 63.3%
Your Personal Rate of Return is calculated with a time-weighted formula, widely used by financial analysts to calculate investment earnings. It reflects the results of your investment selections as well as any activity in the plan account(s) shown. There are other Personal Rate of Return formulas used that may yield different results. Remember that past performance is no guarantee of future results.

Biden first year

Your Personal Rate of Return
This Period 6.9%
Your Personal Rate of Return is calculated with a time-weighted formula, widely used by financial analysts to calculate investment earnings. It reflects the results of your investment selections as well as any activity in the plan account(s) shown. There are other Personal Rate of Return formulas used that may yield different results. Remember that past performance is no guarantee of future results.

YTD -5.2% rate of return

Treason 101
I can always spot a dumbfuck when it comes to investing, are you not aware of custom statements for certain time periods? they can be requested at any time right on your own dashboard.....LOL Biden sucks for anyone investing in energy markets. He is a total fuck up. So Trump is best of the best using your analogy for the average market returns ........ thank for admitting I am right which is the better President and administration

You said it was a statement. Statements are not something you customize on your web page. They are legally required documents that are usually delivered quarterly.

But it still shows your personal return was less than 1/3 of the average return of the markets. So your personal investing strategy is the problem not Biden. The average investor invested in the market last year got a return between 18-24%.
one can tell they are clueless when they start quoting averages

ROFLMAO. A rough measure of average would be that about half the people earned more and half earned less assuming a bell curve of what people earned. You clearly earned much less so are on the bottom range of what investors earned. I guarantee that 50% of investors didn't earn the same or less than you last year in their investments. I would bet 90% of investors earned more than your 6% last year. My 401K earned a return of 16.84% in 2021 with a fairly conservative balanced investment strategy.
You said it was a statement. Statements are not something you customize on your web page. They are legally required documents that are usually delivered quarterly.

But it still shows your personal return was less than 1/3 of the average return of the markets. So your personal investing strategy is the problem not Biden. The average investor invested in the market last year got a return between 18-24%.

no dumbshit, I can pull "a statement" for any time period from my dashboard where my money is managed. You are too stupid for this thread
ROFLMAO. A rough measure of average would be that about half the people earned more and half earned less assuming a bell curve of what people earned. You clearly earned much less so are on the bottom range of what investors earned. I guarantee that 50% of investors didn't earn the same or less than you last year in their investments. I would bet 90% of investors earned more than your 6% last year. My 401K earned a return of 16.84% in 2021 with a fairly conservative balanced investment strategy.

see my las post you you, this is above your head
not when one takes into account regulations that Biden brings to the table

I guess I'm not following. You are saying you're account is down while this is saying the energy sector has performed the best. Unless you just happen to own the worst performing stocks within the energy sector there seems to be a disconnect.