Trump vs Biden



[FONT=&quot]Trump places 41st in C-SPAN presidential rankings, Obama ranks 10th

The anti science

Anti history

Anti math

Anti voting

Republican Party


Trump NEVER got the consent of the governed

Even while Putin and the republicans cheated their asses off in our elections
Republicans keep winning elections while getting fewer votes than the Democratic candidate

That is not what the founders planned

They planned a democracy

Not a cheating assed shit show designed for the wealthy to thwart the power of the people
I wonder why the democrats don't do anything about it?

I rarely ever hear them complain about it... I would think they would be going full tilt on the air waves, cable news & every chance they could
Republicans keep winning elections while getting fewer votes than the Democratic candidate

That is not what the founders planned

They planned a democracy

Not a cheating assed shit show designed for the wealthy to thwart the power of the people

I've never seen anyone more full of shit than you.

& what is even funnier is X lost both debates.. X lost his cool in the first, & bumbled around trying to double down on bull shit & conspiracy non-sense=FAIL