trump will be meeting with putin Monday ,privately, behind closed doors

Presidents do not speak to national leaders without recording or airing the conversation. It just isn't allowed. Trump is having Putin and him talk without any recordings or writing what they say? They are supposed to provide presidents dipomacy foir history. Why is Trump doing that? Easy to see. he does not want Americans to know what he is saying to Putin. It is bad enough, that it has to be hidden.

Presidential Records act of 1978 says Marterial related to the constiution, statutory ,official or ceremonial duties are recorded and kept. The Federal Government maintains ownershiup of the records, including those created by his staff. Once he is out of office, they are transfered to Archivist of the US who makes them available to the public.

Now Trump thinks he is allowed to have conversations with Putin and Kim, without recording them. If Obama did that, the Right would be screaming about impeachment and saying, hiding them must be for a reason. that reason cannot be good. The repubs will drop and genuflect to trump.

Leftys would want to know what was going on if Obama did that. Repubs would agree, Obama should follow the law. Trump does it, left wants the discussions recorded. The right will pretend it is OK . The Presiential Records act does not apply . it will when Trump gets out of office.
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Serious people have to stop thinking of Trump as president, Trump is about Trump and what he can gain from Russia. Having a play date with Putin is what he wants, he doesn't see this through the eyes of an American patriot, he sees it through the ideas of a self centered real estate salesman. Wake up people. Money manages the upper classes in America and they care nada for you voters and posters. Meanwhile the show goes on and the rapt attention to silliness keeps the American voting against themselves.

"Is politics driven by pragmatic self-interest or by identities and ideals? The self-harming voter offers a clue"

"The trick never ages; the illusion never wears off. Vote to stop abortion; receive a rollback in capital gains taxes. Vote to make our country strong again; receive deindustrialization. Vote to screw those politically correct college professors; receive electricity deregulation. Vote to get government off our backs; receive conglomeration and monopoly everywhere from media to meatpacking. Vote to stand tall against terrorists; receive Social Security privatization. Vote to strike a blow against elitism; receive a social order in which wealth is more concentrated than ever before in our lifetimes, in which workers have been stripped of power and CEOs are rewarded in a manner beyond imagining." Thomas Frank, What's the Matter With Kansas?: How Conservatives Won the Heart of America

"As a student of history, I recognize this type. He emerges everywhere and in all eras. We see nurtured in his campaign an incipient Proto-fascism, a nativist anti-immigrant Know Nothing-ism, a disrespect for the judiciary, the prospect of women losing authority over their own bodies, African Americans again asked to go to the back of the line, voter suppression gleefully promoted, jingoistic saber rattling, a total lack of historical awareness, a political paranoia that, predictably, points fingers, always making the other wrong. These are all virulent strains that have at times infected us in the past. But they now loom in front of us again—all happening at once. We know from our history books that these are the diseases of ancient and now fallen empires. The sense of commonwealth, of shared sacrifice, of trust, so much a part of American life, is eroding fast, spurred along and amplified by an amoral Internet that permits a lie to circle the globe three times before the truth can get started." Ken Burns
OH heavens they are meeting privately that must mean they are plotting the joint conquest of the world and being the supreme rulers of the One World Order!

reallly?.....what makes you think so?.....did you really think every president hasn't done the same thing?.....

They have not. The Presidential records act was passed in 1978. Since then, not permitted. But your idea. I am sure you can find lots of examples if you look...or none.
how would anyone know if there were no records to look up?......

Google for what you want. There are witnesses that would write about it. Trump is tearing up papers in the office and your tax money pays agents to tape them together. Making America great again. He was having whitehouse visitor logs erased every day until he was forced not to. He also presents another problem. At all his golf courses, he should have visitors logs under government control. look, we know, none of the regulations refer to this admin. The next one will have to follow them.
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I looked around and found Obama talked in private one time. It was with Putin. But in this case, he was telling him off bout election interference and did not want to humiliate Putin in public. He should have done it. It was not 2 hours off secret plotting against America's interests like Trump does. Nor did he blow Putin like Trump does.