APP - Trump will make the gun debate just like DACA

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
Remember when Trump supposedly caved on DACA? Remember when the democrat party thought they had the upper hand on DACA? They were so confident that they even shut down the government over it and had egg all over their faces with one tweet Shutdown Schumer.

Again, the democrat party think they have the upper hand exploiting these kids and their tragedy from last week. They think THIS IS THE TIME to realize their gun grabbing dreams.

But, again they will be stumped by the Trump. He will propose many common sense things that on the surface will seem to run counter to the NRA and he will be seen as showing a willingness to want to do something. Like DACA the left will dig in their heels and do nothing because they only want a gun ban. But, they won't get a gun ban.

What we also know is that the democrat party is scared to make gun control a NATIONAL issue this November. They don't have the guts.