APP - Trump will ultimately prevail in court

I think there is a good chance that the Court determines that the 1976 law is unconstitutional, or that the border issue is not an emergency. Where Trump stands to gain is simply by highlighting that the legal opposition represents his political opposition's views, enabling him to score points for the next 1½ years.
we have demmycrat presidential hopefuls saying they would tear down the walls we already have.......obviously its a national emergency........

How is it a national emergency now when the number of illegals is at a record low?
And Trump said he didn't have to do this now, he's just trying to speed things up. Doesn't sound like much of an emergency if he didn't have to do it now.
After everything he said, it's going to be difficult to prove this is a national emergency.

In 1976, Congress passed the National Emergencies Act, which permits the president to pronounce a national emergency when he considers it appropriate. The act offers no specific definition of “emergency” and allows a president to declare one entirely at his or her discretion.
I think there is a good chance that the Court determines that the 1976 law is unconstitutional, or that the border issue is not an emergency. Where Trump stands to gain is simply by highlighting that the legal opposition represents his political opposition's views, enabling him to score points for the next 1½ years.

In 1976, Congress passed the National Emergencies Act, which permits the president to pronounce a national emergency when he considers it appropriate. The act offers no specific definition of “emergency” and allows a president to declare one entirely at his or her discretion.
I think there is a good chance that the Court determines that the 1976 law is unconstitutional, or that the border issue is not an emergency. Where Trump stands to gain is simply by highlighting that the legal opposition represents his political opposition's views, enabling him to score points for the next 1½ years.

Hate to say it, but I think the courts are going to rule for Trump. He has the right to declare the “emergency”…even though it is not an emergency.

The congress has left a huge gap in the law…and I think the courts will demand that the congress deal with the gaps. If they do not want the president to be able to declare an emergency on a whim…they should tighten up the law.

In the meantime, I would hope the Republicans in congress grow the spine to counter this absurd “emergency” declaration…although I am not holding my breath.