APP - Trump wins again


Former Vice President

This is such a brilliant political strategy. First of all Trump can credibly say he is merely ending Obama's unconstitutional act. Luckily we have Ryan and McConnell on record as saying it was unconstitutional. Trump is merely kicking it back to Congress where it rightfully belongs. It is funny that you hear the left screaming about Trump being a fascist dictator when all along all he has done is ask Congress to do its job.

But, alas because McConnell and Ryan have fiddled, they don't have enough time on the legislative calendar to answer to their globalist masters in the Chamber of Commerce and Big Bidness.

Trump has outmaneuvered them again. If DACA ends, and it should, then Ryan and McConnell are to blame. Additionally, now they have to answer to their constituents who don't want it.

This is so AWESOME
