Shaken, not stirred!
Okay, by now we've all seen and/or heard of our favorite apartheid punk Elon Musk's enthusiastic "salute of love" to Cheeto Jeezus and the crowd of barking seals at the inauguration a few days ago. Now old Elon LOVES attention, especially when he thinks he can BS people and subsequently prove he's the smartest guy in the room over-all. What's really interesting is how the Anti Defamation League leaps to his defense ... which further erodes their credibility.

Well, while he and all his MAGA/Alt-Right suck ups babble and scramble to justify his latest action, I think this guy here puts it all in perspective. Enjoy:

Well, while he and all his MAGA/Alt-Right suck ups babble and scramble to justify his latest action, I think this guy here puts it all in perspective. Enjoy: