APP - Trumped up hysteria over Trump's tariffs

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
Is it really a fundamental opposition to tariffs or is it just another opportunity for the #NeverTrumpers and #TDS crowd to have yet another reason to kvetch?

Now for the record, in general I am opposed to tariffs. I think they are bad policy. But, I am also for rational discussion about issues

1) Bush 43 imposed a 30% steel tariff in 2002 that lasted for a year. I don't recall a trade war starting. Does anyone else?

2) Ronald Reagan restricted steel imports in 1984 and imposed a 100% tariff on some Japanese electronic products. I don't recall a trade war starting. Does anyone else?

3) Imported clothing to the US are subject to a 10-15% tariff.

4) The United States pays more for sugar cane than the rest of the world. I don't recall a trade war starting over that. Does anyone else?

5) The liberal icon Bernie Sanders holds some pretty protectionist views, yet I don't hear any lefties scowling at him over it

As I said, this is not meant to be a defense of tariffs, it is meant to point out the utter hypocrisy of the #NeverTrumper and #TDS crowds. Personally, I believe we should do all we can to keep steel production and aluminum production in the United States as a strategic resource. How we do that is up for debate.