Guno צְבִי
We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
In Arizona, the starkest evidence of that has been the tripling of the Latino population since 1990 from about 700,000 to nearly 2.1 million. It doesn’t take a demographic genius to get how that changes everything. Senate President Russell Pearce got it, got mad about it, and tried to stop it with a red storm of legislation that culminated in SB1070 and ended with his recall from office in 2011. Even for Arizona, Pearce had gone too far. Nationally, the GOP didn’t take the hint.
The Latino population boom nationwide – there are now 59 million Hispanics in the U.S. – helped stock the ranks of leadership and foot soldiers of more than a dozen major people-powered grassroots groups across the state, including the organizations umbrellaed under the One Arizona coalition. (Full disclosure, I’ve done communications and media outreach for a One Arizona member, Promise Arizona, over the years.)
If you don’t think these grassroots groups wield real power, consider the success of LUCHA (Living United for Change in Arizona) and the group’s leadership in passing an increase to the minimum wage at the ballot in 2016. And since 2010, hundreds of thousands of new voters, mostly brown, young and female, have been registered by One Arizona and its allies.
The Latino population boom nationwide – there are now 59 million Hispanics in the U.S. – helped stock the ranks of leadership and foot soldiers of more than a dozen major people-powered grassroots groups across the state, including the organizations umbrellaed under the One Arizona coalition. (Full disclosure, I’ve done communications and media outreach for a One Arizona member, Promise Arizona, over the years.)
If you don’t think these grassroots groups wield real power, consider the success of LUCHA (Living United for Change in Arizona) and the group’s leadership in passing an increase to the minimum wage at the ballot in 2016. And since 2010, hundreds of thousands of new voters, mostly brown, young and female, have been registered by One Arizona and its allies.