

its fatal

and currently there is no cure

donate your insults here in hopes of a cure in trumps lifetime
its currently believed to be caused by shared mouthpooping

the mouth to mouth sharing of pooping from one mouthpooper to another as a demented social practice to sustain the leading shit stain.

a socially spread infection process
As Mueller closes in, paranoia spreads in the White House

Jeff Sessions tries to purge FBI of Comey’s influence, while right-wingers spread outrageous conspiracy theories

For those of us who follow the news through the mainstream media, Tuesday was a busy day for the Russia investigation. It started with Monday's late-breaking story from Axios, reporting that FBI Director Christopher Wray had threatened to quit after Attorney General Jeff Sessions exerted pressure on him to purge the agency of people the White House considers tainted by association with former director James Comey. Sessions even asked White House counsel Don McGahn what to do and was reportedly told to back off, since firing yet another FBI director wouldn't be a good look for the Trump administration.

The people the White House would like gone, notably FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe and former chief legal counsel James A. Baker, may be witnesses to Trump's suspected obstruction of justice. That makes this a bigger story because it piles on even more suspicion about that possible crime. Apparently, special counsel Robert Mueller is looking at more than just the Comey firing and the Michael Flynn coverup. He may be concerned that the president and his staff are still seeking to obstruct justice.

Trump has also been furiously defaming Comey, McCabe, Baker and others at the FBI on Twitter for months, which lends credibility to the assumption that Sessions is acting as the president's personal henchman and trying to purge the FBI of anyone who might be a witness in the obstruction case.

They're looking quite hilarious ... this is all going to come back and bite them in the ass when Drumpf is Jail.
TRump wants to purge the intelligence agencies and install Trumpian right wingers whose job is to protect him. He will destroy the FBI is he sees it as dangerous . His crimes are more and more obvious. His actions are much like Hitlers when he took over Germany. Those who are not backing me are enemies and must be destroyed. FBI, CIA, congress, all in peril.
TRump wants to purge the intelligence agencies and install Trumpian right wingers whose job is to protect him. He will destroy the FBI is he sees it as dangerous . His crimes are more and more obvious. His actions are much like Hitlers when he took over Germany. Those who are not backing me are enemies and must be destroyed. FBI, CIA, congress, all in peril.

It's never going to happen ... first of all, Drumpf doesn't have any real friends ... only willing subjects.
It's never going to happen ... first of all, Drumpf doesn't have any real friends ... only willing subjects.

The Repubs have thrown in with Trump. They did not want him to run or win, but since he has, they are in concert with him. They want to keep their jobs and their power. Lots of Republican leaders are embarrassing themselves in abject sycophancy. Trump told horrible and nasty lies about those who ran against him. They swallowed it all.
The Repubs have thrown in with Trump. They did not want him to run or win, but since he has, they are in concert with him. They want to keep their jobs and their power. Lots of Republican leaders are embarrassing themselves in abject sycophancy. Trump told horrible and nasty lies about those who ran against him. They swallowed it all.

Yep they sure did Swallow it all ... but that OK, Drumpf can always use some suction and a reach around.
It's never going to happen ... first of all, Drumpf doesn't have any real friends ... only willing subjects.

Ryan and the entire Republican house pulled out the Trump Brand kneepads. They sold their values to get legislation they want. Ryan is a stupid Libertarian who wants no taxes and no laws. Somehow thinks if left alone, corporations and the rich will end up doing the right thing. If he needs any proof of how wrong he is, look at trump. He believes only he matters because he is rich. That is what the rich are like. God chose them to be rich and powerful. So get out of the way while they loot.
the Russians gave trumpy the dirt n all of them he found when he stole the RNCs info

they outed all the dem ones and nothing was in it

they held back the crimes they saw in the RNC ones ( about stealing elections and such)

then used them to blackmail the republicans individually so trumpy could get them doing his bidding