TRump wants to purge the intelligence agencies and install Trumpian right wingers whose job is to protect him. He will destroy the FBI is he sees it as dangerous . His crimes are more and more obvious. His actions are much like Hitlers when he took over Germany. Those who are not backing me are enemies and must be destroyed. FBI, CIA, congress, all in peril.
It's never going to happen ... first of all, Drumpf doesn't have any real friends ... only willing subjects.
The Repubs have thrown in with Trump. They did not want him to run or win, but since he has, they are in concert with him. They want to keep their jobs and their power. Lots of Republican leaders are embarrassing themselves in abject sycophancy. Trump told horrible and nasty lies about those who ran against him. They swallowed it all.
It's never going to happen ... first of all, Drumpf doesn't have any real friends ... only willing subjects.