Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
Very low on critical thinking skills, seems like education was never stressed in their homes resulting in reptilian think, chest beating and short loud grunts and flag waving in regard to any attempts to have a rational discussion with them

New research reports Trump voters were more likely to perform poorly on a test of intellectual ability.

During the 2016 election, Donald Trump famously proclaimed "I love the poorly educated!" Well, if "poorly educated" is a euphemism for "cognitively challenged," new research finds they loved him right back.

In the journal Social Psychological and Personality Science, Ganzach and his colleagues analyzed data from the American National Election Studies, which included 5,914 participants in 2012 and 4,271 in 2016.

Besides expressing their attitudes toward that year's presidential candidates, participants took a standard test of verbal ability. Specifically, they were presented with 10 sets of words, and asked "to identify the word or phrase in a set of five that was the closest to the target word."

While hardly comprehensive, the test "is considered a good indicator of general cognitive ability," the researchers note.

After taking into account participants' party affiliation, the researchers found intellectual ability was a strong predictor of attitudes toward the two major candidates in 2016. Specifically, they found "clear negative relationships of verbal ability and education with attitude toward Trump."

Ganzach and his team note that Trump, on the campaign trail, expressed his opposition to both socially liberal beliefs (such as support for abortion rights and opposition to racism) and fiscally conservative beliefs (such as free trade). Both sets of beliefs have been linked in past research with higher cognitive ability, so it makes sense that their appeal would be largely limited to those who score lower on such measures.
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Very low on critical thinking skills, seems like education was never stressed in their homes resulting in reptilian think, chest beating and short loud grunts and flag waving in regard to any attempts to have a rational discussion with them

New research reports Trump voters were more likely to perform poorly on a test of intellectual ability.

During the 2016 election, Donald Trump famously proclaimed "I love the poorly educated!" Well, if "poorly educated" is a euphemism for "cognitively challenged," new research finds they loved him right back.

In the journal Social Psychological and Personality Science, Ganzach and his colleagues analyzed data from the American National Election Studies, which included 5,914 participants in 2012 and 4,271 in 2016.

Besides expressing their attitudes toward that year's presidential candidates, participants took a standard test of verbal ability. Specifically, they were presented with 10 sets of words, and asked "to identify the word or phrase in a set of five that was the closest to the target word."

While hardly comprehensive, the test "is considered a good indicator of general cognitive ability," the researchers note.

After taking into account participants' party affiliation, the researchers found intellectual ability was a strong predictor of attitudes toward the two major candidates in 2016. Specifically, they found "clear negative relationships of verbal ability and education with attitude toward Trump."

Ganzach and his team note that Trump, on the campaign trail, expressed his opposition to both socially liberal beliefs (such as support for abortion rights and opposition to racism) and fiscally conservative beliefs (such as free trade). Both sets of beliefs have been linked in past research with higher cognitive ability, so it makes sense that their appeal would be largely limited to those who score lower on such measures.

I wonder why some of the rightwing intellectuals like Don haven't ripped this study to shreds??

To many big words?? Waste to much time goggling them??

Or does the lack of attack kinda just validate it??
Very low on critical thinking skills, seems like education was never stressed in their homes resulting in reptilian think, chest beating and short loud grunts and flag waving in regard to any attempts to have a rational discussion with them

New research reports Trump voters were more likely to perform poorly on a test of intellectual ability.

During the 2016 election, Donald Trump famously proclaimed "I love the poorly educated!" Well, if "poorly educated" is a euphemism for "cognitively challenged," new research finds they loved him right back.

In the journal Social Psychological and Personality Science, Ganzach and his colleagues analyzed data from the American National Election Studies, which included 5,914 participants in 2012 and 4,271 in 2016.

Besides expressing their attitudes toward that year's presidential candidates, participants took a standard test of verbal ability. Specifically, they were presented with 10 sets of words, and asked "to identify the word or phrase in a set of five that was the closest to the target word."

While hardly comprehensive, the test "is considered a good indicator of general cognitive ability," the researchers note.

After taking into account participants' party affiliation, the researchers found intellectual ability was a strong predictor of attitudes toward the two major candidates in 2016. Specifically, they found "clear negative relationships of verbal ability and education with attitude toward Trump."

Ganzach and his team note that Trump, on the campaign trail, expressed his opposition to both socially liberal beliefs (such as support for abortion rights and opposition to racism) and fiscally conservative beliefs (such as free trade). Both sets of beliefs have been linked in past research with higher cognitive ability, so it makes sense that their appeal would be largely limited to those who score lower on such measures.

The reason I can't have a rational discussion with you, BOY, is you can't keep up. The inbreeding that has taken place among your kind for so long has caused your mental capacity to be that of a slug.
Very low on critical thinking skills, seems like education was never stressed in their homes resulting in reptilian think, chest beating and short loud grunts and flag waving in regard to any attempts to have a rational discussion with them

New research reports Trump voters were more likely to perform poorly on a test of intellectual ability.

During the 2016 election, Donald Trump famously proclaimed "I love the poorly educated!" Well, if "poorly educated" is a euphemism for "cognitively challenged," new research finds they loved him right back.

In the journal Social Psychological and Personality Science, Ganzach and his colleagues analyzed data from the American National Election Studies, which included 5,914 participants in 2012 and 4,271 in 2016.

Besides expressing their attitudes toward that year's presidential candidates, participants took a standard test of verbal ability. Specifically, they were presented with 10 sets of words, and asked "to identify the word or phrase in a set of five that was the closest to the target word."

While hardly comprehensive, the test "is considered a good indicator of general cognitive ability," the researchers note.

After taking into account participants' party affiliation, the researchers found intellectual ability was a strong predictor of attitudes toward the two major candidates in 2016. Specifically, they found "clear negative relationships of verbal ability and education with attitude toward Trump."

Ganzach and his team note that Trump, on the campaign trail, expressed his opposition to both socially liberal beliefs (such as support for abortion rights and opposition to racism) and fiscally conservative beliefs (such as free trade). Both sets of beliefs have been linked in past research with higher cognitive ability, so it makes sense that their appeal would be largely limited to those who score lower on such measures.

shut up, globalist moron.

trumps positions are well reasoned and prescient.
The reason I can't have a rational discussion with you, BOY, is you can't keep up. The inbreeding that has taken place among your kind for so long has caused your mental capacity to be that of a slug.

Wow, another great example discussed in the OP............ :palm:
Even Republicans realize Republicans have become horrible, and are now trying to blame Democrats for Republicans.

If you can't see that you cockroaches created trump in not sure how to show you. You do realize don't you that people arent required to agree with and they may have valid reasons for doing so? No I betvyiu don't because youre a fucking dunce
If you can't see that you cockroaches created trump in not sure how to show you. You do realize don't you that people arent required to agree with and they may have valid reasons for doing so? No I betvyiu don't because youre a fucking dunce


Very low on critical thinking skills, seems like education was never stressed in their homes resulting in reptilian think, chest beating and short loud grunts and flag waving in regard to any attempts to have a rational discussion with them

exhibit A
I tried looking up the original study cited in the first post. The links given don't go to it. I find it dishonest that the study cited isn't linked for us to peruse.
The Democratic Party created MAGA. It's a real bitch when the chickens come home to roost eh?

False. We fight for the morally correct things in life, and this triggers the right.

Fight to protect the planet and the environment?

"Not so fast," says Big Oil by way of the GOP.