Trump’s Assault on the Rule of Law


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The last time a president was this openly hostile to democratic norms, the nation rose in outrate. Will we do the same?

The “rule of law” distinguishes democracies from dictatorships. It’s based on three fundamental principles. Trump is violating every one of them.

The first principle is that no person is above the law, not even a president. Which means a president cannot stop an investigation into his alleged illegal acts.

Yet Trump has done everything he can to stop the Mueller investigation, even making Matthew Whitaker acting attorney general—whose only distinction to date has been loud and public condemnation of that investigation.

The second principle is that a president cannot prosecute political opponents. Decisions about whom to prosecute for alleged criminal wrongdoing must be made by prosecutors who are independent of politics.

Trump never hid his attitude about the law. He saw it as an impediment to be skirted. He is proud about cheating as much as he could. I hope he gets stopped this time.