Trump’s attempt to subvert the election is backfiring

According to Gallup, Trump’s favorability rating is 42%, down three points since the election. This post-election decline is unique over the past six presidential election cycles.

Biden’s favorability rating stands at 55%, up six points since the election.

If Trump could bring himself to stop whining he might recover some ground. What do you think?

Good let's get to fucking over the lying racist imbecile and his kamal cunt as soon as possible.
According to Gallup, Trump’s favorability rating is 42%, down three points since the election. This post-election decline is unique over the past six presidential election cycles.

Biden’s favorability rating stands at 55%, up six points since the election.

If Trump could bring himself to stop whining he might recover some ground. What do you think?

You are asking Trump, to not be Trump. He is the world's oldest teenager. It is all about him.