Trump's cruelty on display in Springfield


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Donald Trump is a cruel man. He's a narcissist - and narcissists often have little empathy. But he really goes beyond.

He has turned Springfield upside-down with lies and classic demagoguery - that community now faces near-daily bomb threats, death threats, vandalism, harassment. People there have lost the lives that they had, and now live in a new, darker reality. Children there will likely be impacted by this for the remainder of their lives. Some colleges switched to virtual classes because of the threats.

And now - because this is what demagogues do - he is threatening to deport Haitians who are there right now legally back to Haiti if he is elected. Families and hard-working people, many of whom have likely been through unimaginable circumstances and have had to fight for every inch to find themselves safe and are working their ass off to make things better for their families. They are looking at next month's election and imagining how the outcome could have them back in a place where gangs just killed 70 innocent people.

There is racism with this as well. We know no one would be talking about Springfield if it was 20,000 Norwegian immigrants.

The right always highlights how Christian they are - how can good Christians support this?
Trump is a user. He does not care about what happens to anyone else. He has put Springfield into a cauldron. Their lives are getting destroyed. He makes a stew of hate and lies . He keeps stirring it up. When he no longer sees any more use of Springfield he will ignore it. But the town will never be the same. They will remember what some people said. Distrust and hate have been cooked up by Trump again.
actually all of that is Biden's cruelty.......he let millions of illegals enter knowing almost all of them didn't qualify for asylum and will be deported......