Guno צְבִי
We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
Had a meeting tonight at our synagogue, not only do we have and armed guard during services , now we are going to install closed circuit cameras, due to the fact a potential unhinged trump white goyim might go off that Jews aren't loyal. The rabbi also said other synagogues are having to do the same Tuesday, when Donald Trump accused American Jews who vote for Democrats of “great disloyalty,” he invoked an anti-Semitic trope that is not just offensive but also historically lethal.
Like the racist fear of African American men assaulting white women, the idea that Jews are suspect citizens of their home nations is deep-seated, pernicious and blood-soaked. It persists over time, from Exodus to the Gospel of Matthew in the Bible, from the ovens of Auschwitz to last year’s massacre at Pittsburgh’s Tree of Life synagogue. Hearing it echoed from the White House is not only chilling but also representative of yet another way the Trump administration is eroding American values. It denies a fundamental American value: e pluribus unum — out of many, one.
For centuries, Jews have been scattered across the globe, dwelling among others. At worst, they were enslaved, as in pharaonic Egypt; at best, they lived the perilous existence of second-class citizens, part of society, but not fully of it, safe for today, but marked for possible slaughter tomorrow.