Trump's foreign policy plans


"I Bring You Life!"
Man libs leaving the country in droves. THis would be a double win!

Maybe we can actually stop Islamic Terrorists from killing people, without whiny liberals getting in the way. AQ/ISIS best ally is the American Liberal. Who lets their people out of gitmo, and makes strong arguments on their behalf.

They both agree that the West and the USA are racist bigoted countries that have to go, or be "transformed."

That's why Obama refuses to fight ISIS, he's their ally.

TRUMP opposes most all of these interventionist wars that Democrats and their RINO allies love so much. If Trump were President we would not have been in hardly any of these wars. He believes only in self defense not in spreading democracy by killing millions of innocent people, or making the world safe for Walmart and Costco, doing the fighting for lazy, stingy so-called allies, and so on, and on. He knows the trillions these useless wars cost and he has plans to rebuild our infrastructure and a bunch of other good things. He wants a great military so we never have to use it. Vote Trump to fix a lot of these things Liberals are complaining of.