tRumps hilarious Bolton "classified" cheeseburger


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The ridiculousness of tRump's Bolton book defense cannot be overstated. tRump now claims that ALL of his conversations are

That means when the WH chef asks tRump what he wants on his cheeseburger, that is classified

On a serious note, tRump actually contradicted himself by claiming that excerpts from Bolton's book are FALSE. As such. FALSE comments cannot be considered "classified".

Just when you think that tRump cannot become any more ignorant, he manages to surprise us all......)
The ridiculousness of tRump's Bolton book defense cannot be overstated. tRump now claims that ALL of his conversations are

That means when the WH chef asks tRump what he wants on his cheeseburger, that is classified

On a serious note, tRump actually contradicted himself by claiming that excerpts from Bolton's book are FALSE. As such. FALSE comments cannot be considered "classified".

Just when you think that tRump cannot become any more ignorant, he manages to surprise us all......)
I smell desperation and stupidity, it’s like I said, the longer they drag this out, the longer it stays in the news, the Trump administration isn’t very smart.
I smell desperation and stupidity, it’s like I said, the longer they drag this out, the longer it stays in the news, the Trump administration isn’t very smart.

I laughed my butt off when I heard tRump make that statement. Then again, given the trumpanzees penchant for buying into tRump's stupidity, nothing much amazes me anymore.
I laughed my butt off when I heard tRump make that statement. Then again, given the trumpanzees penchant for buying into tRump's stupidity, nothing much amazes me anymore.
Trump’s been on a roll, lately, he’s making more ridiculous statement than usual. I think he’s really stressed. His rally should be comedy gold.
Trump’s been on a roll, lately, he’s making more ridiculous statement than usual. I think he’s really stressed. His rally should be comedy gold.

He will stand there cheering with that idiotic smirk on his face hoping that his dumbass supporters dont die from Covid before election day.