tRump's hilarious lies about his golfing.


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Warning: Please be seated when reading. Otherwise, you may lose your balance from laughing so

The ease and audacity to which tRump lies far exceeds anything that I have seen in my lifetime. I especially like the part where tRump says that he has played less golf than Obama. A quick fact check clearly shows that tRump has played TWICE as much golf as Obama did in the same amount of time. Once again, tRump lies and his moronic supporters simply do not care. It makes me wonder if trump's values (or lack thereof) are what the "trumpanzees" teach their kids?
Trump says whatever comes to his alleged mind and expects all to accept it as fact. Rightys do. The members on this board will be swearing to it. It is so absurd that it would be funny if it were not escaping the presidential food hole.