Trump’s lies are not the problem. It’s the millions who swallow them who really matte

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
Excellent article on trumps followers , the uneducated white christian dying subspecies of America

America's Untermensch

Compulsive liars shouldn’t frighten you. They can harm no one, if no one listens to them. Compulsive believers, on the other hand: they should terrify you. Believers are the liars’ enablers. Their votes give the demagogue his power. Their trust turns the charlatan into the president. Their credulity ensures that the propaganda of half-calculating and half-mad fanatics has the power to change the world.
Excellent article on trumps followers , the uneducated white christian dying subspecies of America

America's Untermensch

Compulsive liars shouldn’t frighten you. They can harm no one, if no one listens to them. Compulsive believers, on the other hand: they should terrify you. Believers are the liars’ enablers. Their votes give the demagogue his power. Their trust turns the charlatan into the president. Their credulity ensures that the propaganda of half-calculating and half-mad fanatics has the power to change the world.

Excellent article on trumps followers , the uneducated white christian dying subspecies of America

America's Untermensch

Compulsive liars shouldn’t frighten you. They can harm no one, if no one listens to them. Compulsive believers, on the other hand: they should terrify you. Believers are the liars’ enablers. Their votes give the demagogue his power. Their trust turns the charlatan into the president. Their credulity ensures that the propaganda of half-calculating and half-mad fanatics has the power to change the world.

I don't understand people who choose to believe lies,because they wish they were true.
I guess it's a acquired taste from watching Fox "fair and balanced" .
Kneeling For the Flag is Unpatriotic!

Let's see.....Kneeling for the flag, according to TRUMP, is unpatriotic yet a 5-time draft dodger who sides with our adversary over our own country's intelligence is the sign of a real patriot!

Ok, I got it now!

Excellent article on trumps followers , the uneducated white christian dying subspecies of America

America's Untermensch

Compulsive liars shouldn’t frighten you. They can harm no one, if no one listens to them. Compulsive believers, on the other hand: they should terrify you. Believers are the liars’ enablers. Their votes give the demagogue his power. Their trust turns the charlatan into the president. Their credulity ensures that the propaganda of half-calculating and half-mad fanatics has the power to change the world.

Obviously the DNC is colluding with the British to undermine Trump. There should be a special prosecutor appointed.
Now he claims he's more popular than Lincoln.

Trump, who is currently in the United Kingdom, also claimed to be very popular there.

"But the people of the UK, and I’ll bet if you had an honest poll, I’d be very strong," Trump said. "They want the same thing I want. I love the U.K."

A YouGov poll conducted for ITV found that 77 percent of Brits have an unfavorable view of Trump. And in what may be another sign of his unpopularity, an anti-Trump social media campaign caused the 2004 Green Day song "American Idiot" to surge in popularity. According to USA Today, the tune is currently at #18 on the pop charts and #1 on Amazon’s British bestseller list.
The GOP is going to see what it's like to be an Ass-Wipe of the World, for Decades to come.

They won't be able to LIE their way out of this.
Kneeling For the Flag is Unpatriotic!

Let's see.....Kneeling for the flag, according to TRUMP, is unpatriotic yet a 5-time draft dodger who sides with our adversary over our own country's intelligence is the sign of a real patriot!

Ok, I got it now!


Excellent article on trumps followers , the uneducated white christian dying subspecies of America

What a moronic article which thinks people are the problem. This Fascist essay shines a bright light on the basis of leftist ideology and ideologues.

Ironic because leftist and the FAKE media had no problems being lied to by Obama. Lies are all the FAKE media gives us these days.
Trumplestilskins are a cult. They are believers and outsiders just don't understand. They have special handshakes and clothes they wear that make them special, more special than anyone has ever been in the history of man. Trump busts the needle in lies, but to Trumpys, they are their own language. In their world, Trumps lles just do not matter. you outsiders don't understand and cannot. I can find a mistake Obama made, that means all Trumps lies are the same. Obama did not declare war against Putin over interfering in the election. that means he was sactioning it. So the Trumpettes and the left are the same. Trump hosted a reality show. What is better proof he knows how to run a country?
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Excellent article on trumps followers , the uneducated white christian dying subspecies of America

America's Untermensch

Compulsive liars shouldn’t frighten you. They can harm no one, if no one listens to them. Compulsive believers, on the other hand: they should terrify you. Believers are the liars’ enablers.

Unconditional support for a party enables any dishonest politician. Some have figured out that many people will support the Republican matter what. They have long been putting that theory to the test.