Trump's Lies

Cadillac Man

New member
Finally. A non-biased look at the claims made by both sides.

Over the past two years, many thousands of broadcast hours and probably millions of words have been devoted to Donald Trump’s relationship with the truth. Equally, the President has made accusations of dishonesty and bias against the media and his political opponents a central part of his persona and presidency.What lies are told about the President? Is he lying when he makes these allegations? In a feverish atmosphere of claim and counterclaim, when everyone seems to reflexively accuse everyone else of “fake news”, it can be difficult to know what’s what.

There are many articles that exist detailing lies and misleading claims made by the Trump administration. This article is intended as a neutral, reliable analysis of the lies, false allegations and misleading claims made about and against Donald Trump since his inauguration in January 2017. We’ve attempted to strip away the hyperbole, name-calling and generalizations, and examine the patterns and trends at work: what characterizes these lies and exaggerations, the effect they have, what might explain them.
How long has It been abundantly apparent that Donald Trump was mentally and emotionally unfit? At least to those of us with an ounce of sense. Was it when he championed the Obama birther cause? Or when he mocked a physically handicapped reporter, or said a respected Mexican-American judge could not be trusted because of his ethnicity? For many surely it was when he bragging about sexually assaulting women was revealed.
In any case, for a very long time that Trump was sending unintended signals that his train was one that should never be boarded. And in the face of all his mendacity and madness, still the Republicans fail to denounce him.
The Trump phenomenon says that the Republicans are morally and intellectually bankrupt. They are also so inept they can't pass a single piece of legislation.
you got it alec

so many are dirty with this russian thing that when it is all over half the republucans party will be in prison or out of politics for good