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On January 6th, we saw a very large pro-Trump radical right Republican mob gather in Washington with the goal of committing extreme violence because Trump lost the 2020 election.
And we saw a large number of Republicans encourage the pro-Trump radical right Republican mob to commit extreme violence. For example:
- Prior to the mob violence, we heard Don-the-Despot whip his mob into a frenzy of pathological, but unwarranted, anger. That is:
>He repeated his lie that the election was stolen from him.
>He told his mob that the process to certify Biden as president must be stopped, and that they had the power to stop it, and that he was counting on them to stop it.
>He told them to demand that Congress do the “right thing". In other words, he told them to demand that Congress steal the election from Biden, and give it to him.
>He urged them to fight, and to fight like h*ll.
>And he told them to march to the Capitol, and to confront the Congress.
Then Trump promised his mob that he would march with them. But then he didn’t.
So why didn’t he march with them? Probably, the Secret Service wouldn’t let him.
But just for the fun of it, let’s speculate on some other plausible reasons why he didn’t. That is:
>Maybe he chickened out ... like he did for the war in Vietnam. (That’s why they call him Don-the-Draft-Dodger.)
>Or maybe his bone spurs were acting up ... like they did during the war in Vietnam. (That’s why they call him Cadet Bone Spurs.)
>Or maybe he just wanted to con them ... he’s always trying to con somebody about something. (That’s why they call him Don-the-Con.)
>Or maybe he thought that they’d BLINDLY swallow his empty promise, and then they’d continue to BLINDLY worship him after he didn’t deliver. (He and his fans have done a lot of that for four years.)
- Prior to the mob violence, we heard Trump’s kids (aka, the devil’s spawn) add fuel to the fire that their daddy started. And then we saw them cheering their daddy’s mob as it was destroying our government property, and bashing in the heads of our Capitol police.
Ivanka even called her daddy’s mob “patriots”. Apparently, she thinks that there is a patriotic way, and an unpatriotic way, to destroy government property and bash Capitol police heads. Maybe, she thought the mob was doing it the patriotic way, because they were carrying American flags and shouting USA. (I guess beating Capital police with an American flag pole while shouting USA was “SUPER patriotic”.)
- We heard Trump’s so-called lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, tell Trump’s mob to have a “trial by combat”, prior to their violent assault on the Capitol to kill Congress members and the VP.
In an effort to absolve himself of the mob violence that he helped foment, Giuliani is now claiming that he was merely telling the mob to pretend like they were playing the “Game of Thrones” video game, during their violent assault on the Capitol to kill Congress members and the VP.
- We heard the Republican congressman Mo Brooks tell Trump’s mob to “start taking down names and kicking @ss”, prior to their violent assault on the Capitol to kill Congress members and the VP.
- We saw the Republican senator Josh Hawley give a Nazi-like salute of approval to Trump’s mob, prior to their violent assault on the Capitol to kill Congress members and the VP.
- And we heard the Republican congressman Louie Gohmert suggest that “violence in the streets” might be the best way to steal the election from Biden.
In an effort to absolve himself of the mob violence at the Capitol which was consistent with his suggestion, Gohmert is now claiming that when he “suggested” violence in the streets, he was not “advocating” violence in the streets. (It’s like when you throw a cigarette butt on a dry forest floor, you are not responsible for the forest fire that you started, because you were “merely throwing away” the cigarette butt.)
As a result of this concerted Republican effort, Trump’s mob viciously attacked our totally outnumbered Capitol Police, and they savagely beat many of those cops, and they killed two of them. (So that’s what Republicans mean when they say “we support our police” and “blue lives matter”.)
On top of that, Trump’s mob looted and destroyed a MASSIVE amount of government property (aka, the American taxpayer’s property; aka, OUR property).
And Trump’s mob planned to capture members of Congress (who were unarmed and totally outnumbered), so that they could kill them. And Trump’s mob wanted to capture the VP, so that they could kill him.
And then after Trump’s cop killer mob had left the Capitol, we saw a large number of Republicans try to steal the election from Biden. That is, these Republicans tried to steal the election from Biden, in order to please Trump, even after the cop killer mob endangered the lives of these Republicans, in order to please Trump.
In other words: After Trump nearly had these Republicans killed, these Republicans tried to keep him office by stealing the election from Biden. (What a bunch of BONEHEADS! Thanks Trump. We want to express our gratitude to you for trying to have us killed, by giving you more opportunities to kill us in the future.)
Some Republicans are now saying that it was actually members of Antifa who attacked the Capitol, in order make Trump’s mob look bad. (Apparently, these Republicans think that Trump’s mob was actually a gentle and peaceful mob, who just wanted to politely ask the Congress to please $crew Biden out of an election that he had won.) The FBI says that there is NO evidence that Antifa infiltrated Trump’s mob.
As MOST of us know, this mob violence, this looting and destruction of government property, this attempt to kill members of Congress and the VP, and these cop killings, were ultimately THE RESULT OF A LIE.
That is, it was ultimately THE RESULT OF TRUMP’S LIE that the election was stolen from him.
What MOST of us know, and what ALL of us NEED to know, is this:
- There is NO evidence that the election was stolen from Trump. That is:
>Trump’s Department of Justice found NO evidence that the election was stolen from him.
>Trump’s lawsuits to undo the election results were dismissed, because his lawyers could NOT produce any evidence that the election was stolen from him. And some of those lawsuits were dismissed by Republican judges, and by judges appointed by Trump.
- TRUMP’S WORD CANNOT BE TRUSTED, because he is a serial liar, he is a con artist, he habitually makes things up, and he is easily duped by baseless conspiracy theories.
- When Trump leaves office, he is facing MASSIVE debt and MANY lawsuits resulting from his bad judgment, and his corrupt behavior, which has occurred over MANY years. And he is using his lie about the election to stay in office, in order to avoid that debt and those lawsuits. And he has conned his mob and his Republican sycophants into supporting his antics to stay in office.
Trump views his mob and his Republican sycophants as servile useful idiots who he can easily brainwash and manipulate, and who are willing to sacrifice themselves (i.e., their honor and their lives) to robotically get him what he wants. And they are willing to serve him free of charge. In fact, they are willing to pay him for the privilege of serving him. (This would be funny, if it wasn’t so dangerous for our democracy.)
I am a veteran. I defended our country to protect our freedom. I did NOT defend our country to give Trump, with the aid of his democracy-hating accomplices, the freedom to destroy our democracy.
I fear that this anti-American triad might actually be planning to destroy our democracy. That would be consistent with the book entitled “Everything Trump Touches Dies” which was written by a Republican strategist. Let’s hope they fail. Let’s hope our democracy doesn’t die at the hands of Trump-the-Tyrant with the aid of his radical right Republican mob and his Banana RepublicaNazi sycophants.
And we saw a large number of Republicans encourage the pro-Trump radical right Republican mob to commit extreme violence. For example:
- Prior to the mob violence, we heard Don-the-Despot whip his mob into a frenzy of pathological, but unwarranted, anger. That is:
>He repeated his lie that the election was stolen from him.
>He told his mob that the process to certify Biden as president must be stopped, and that they had the power to stop it, and that he was counting on them to stop it.
>He told them to demand that Congress do the “right thing". In other words, he told them to demand that Congress steal the election from Biden, and give it to him.
>He urged them to fight, and to fight like h*ll.
>And he told them to march to the Capitol, and to confront the Congress.
Then Trump promised his mob that he would march with them. But then he didn’t.
So why didn’t he march with them? Probably, the Secret Service wouldn’t let him.
But just for the fun of it, let’s speculate on some other plausible reasons why he didn’t. That is:
>Maybe he chickened out ... like he did for the war in Vietnam. (That’s why they call him Don-the-Draft-Dodger.)
>Or maybe his bone spurs were acting up ... like they did during the war in Vietnam. (That’s why they call him Cadet Bone Spurs.)
>Or maybe he just wanted to con them ... he’s always trying to con somebody about something. (That’s why they call him Don-the-Con.)
>Or maybe he thought that they’d BLINDLY swallow his empty promise, and then they’d continue to BLINDLY worship him after he didn’t deliver. (He and his fans have done a lot of that for four years.)
- Prior to the mob violence, we heard Trump’s kids (aka, the devil’s spawn) add fuel to the fire that their daddy started. And then we saw them cheering their daddy’s mob as it was destroying our government property, and bashing in the heads of our Capitol police.
Ivanka even called her daddy’s mob “patriots”. Apparently, she thinks that there is a patriotic way, and an unpatriotic way, to destroy government property and bash Capitol police heads. Maybe, she thought the mob was doing it the patriotic way, because they were carrying American flags and shouting USA. (I guess beating Capital police with an American flag pole while shouting USA was “SUPER patriotic”.)
- We heard Trump’s so-called lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, tell Trump’s mob to have a “trial by combat”, prior to their violent assault on the Capitol to kill Congress members and the VP.
In an effort to absolve himself of the mob violence that he helped foment, Giuliani is now claiming that he was merely telling the mob to pretend like they were playing the “Game of Thrones” video game, during their violent assault on the Capitol to kill Congress members and the VP.
- We heard the Republican congressman Mo Brooks tell Trump’s mob to “start taking down names and kicking @ss”, prior to their violent assault on the Capitol to kill Congress members and the VP.
- We saw the Republican senator Josh Hawley give a Nazi-like salute of approval to Trump’s mob, prior to their violent assault on the Capitol to kill Congress members and the VP.
- And we heard the Republican congressman Louie Gohmert suggest that “violence in the streets” might be the best way to steal the election from Biden.
In an effort to absolve himself of the mob violence at the Capitol which was consistent with his suggestion, Gohmert is now claiming that when he “suggested” violence in the streets, he was not “advocating” violence in the streets. (It’s like when you throw a cigarette butt on a dry forest floor, you are not responsible for the forest fire that you started, because you were “merely throwing away” the cigarette butt.)
As a result of this concerted Republican effort, Trump’s mob viciously attacked our totally outnumbered Capitol Police, and they savagely beat many of those cops, and they killed two of them. (So that’s what Republicans mean when they say “we support our police” and “blue lives matter”.)
On top of that, Trump’s mob looted and destroyed a MASSIVE amount of government property (aka, the American taxpayer’s property; aka, OUR property).
And Trump’s mob planned to capture members of Congress (who were unarmed and totally outnumbered), so that they could kill them. And Trump’s mob wanted to capture the VP, so that they could kill him.
And then after Trump’s cop killer mob had left the Capitol, we saw a large number of Republicans try to steal the election from Biden. That is, these Republicans tried to steal the election from Biden, in order to please Trump, even after the cop killer mob endangered the lives of these Republicans, in order to please Trump.
In other words: After Trump nearly had these Republicans killed, these Republicans tried to keep him office by stealing the election from Biden. (What a bunch of BONEHEADS! Thanks Trump. We want to express our gratitude to you for trying to have us killed, by giving you more opportunities to kill us in the future.)
Some Republicans are now saying that it was actually members of Antifa who attacked the Capitol, in order make Trump’s mob look bad. (Apparently, these Republicans think that Trump’s mob was actually a gentle and peaceful mob, who just wanted to politely ask the Congress to please $crew Biden out of an election that he had won.) The FBI says that there is NO evidence that Antifa infiltrated Trump’s mob.
As MOST of us know, this mob violence, this looting and destruction of government property, this attempt to kill members of Congress and the VP, and these cop killings, were ultimately THE RESULT OF A LIE.
That is, it was ultimately THE RESULT OF TRUMP’S LIE that the election was stolen from him.
What MOST of us know, and what ALL of us NEED to know, is this:
- There is NO evidence that the election was stolen from Trump. That is:
>Trump’s Department of Justice found NO evidence that the election was stolen from him.
>Trump’s lawsuits to undo the election results were dismissed, because his lawyers could NOT produce any evidence that the election was stolen from him. And some of those lawsuits were dismissed by Republican judges, and by judges appointed by Trump.
- TRUMP’S WORD CANNOT BE TRUSTED, because he is a serial liar, he is a con artist, he habitually makes things up, and he is easily duped by baseless conspiracy theories.
- When Trump leaves office, he is facing MASSIVE debt and MANY lawsuits resulting from his bad judgment, and his corrupt behavior, which has occurred over MANY years. And he is using his lie about the election to stay in office, in order to avoid that debt and those lawsuits. And he has conned his mob and his Republican sycophants into supporting his antics to stay in office.
Trump views his mob and his Republican sycophants as servile useful idiots who he can easily brainwash and manipulate, and who are willing to sacrifice themselves (i.e., their honor and their lives) to robotically get him what he wants. And they are willing to serve him free of charge. In fact, they are willing to pay him for the privilege of serving him. (This would be funny, if it wasn’t so dangerous for our democracy.)
I am a veteran. I defended our country to protect our freedom. I did NOT defend our country to give Trump, with the aid of his democracy-hating accomplices, the freedom to destroy our democracy.
I fear that this anti-American triad might actually be planning to destroy our democracy. That would be consistent with the book entitled “Everything Trump Touches Dies” which was written by a Republican strategist. Let’s hope they fail. Let’s hope our democracy doesn’t die at the hands of Trump-the-Tyrant with the aid of his radical right Republican mob and his Banana RepublicaNazi sycophants.