Trump’s Presidential Library


Staff member
What will be some of the exhibits?

1. The Photo of the largest audience to witness the Inauguration in the history of the World.




I'd love to see the pigfucker's home library.

What would you guess predominates, once you get past the porn....DC or Marvel?
The magazine with which Stormy spanked him and the cancelled check.


A can of Diet Coke and a hamburger
It will be gilded... and look like New Money...

Trump has been very clear that he does not do things just because it is tradition, and after the way he has been treated by much of the nation I cant imagine that he will be interested in investing much of his last time alive into a library.

Has anyone remembered that he has not had much interest in books for many decades?
I'd love to see the pigfucker's home library.

What would you guess predominates, once you get past the porn....DC or Marvel?

Marvel and other comics are often haunts of the high IQ nerd class. I don't think it's a fit. I imagine his library would have a TV and books just for show because they are rare and valuable.
Has Trump said that he will have a library?

I would not count on it.

He'll have Presidential Library. It may be a Presidential Library and Casino, but he'll have one. An entire building dedicated to Donald J. Trump? Are you fucking kidding? Of course he'll have one.
I'd love to see the pigfucker's home library.

What would you guess predominates, once you get past the porn....DC or Marvel?

Nah, those have words. Photo albums of His Excellence, with models, starlets, beauty pageant contestants, "financiers" like Epstein, golf clubs, porn stars, and Ivanka draped over him.
Trump has been very clear that he does not do things just because it is tradition, and after the way he has been treated by much of the nation I cant imagine that he will be interested in investing much of his last time alive into a library.

Has anyone remembered that he has not had much interest in books for many decades?

True. He'll be spending what's left of his daddy-inherited fortune on attorneys, desperately trying to stay out of prison.