Trump's rally audience spontaneously began chanting, "We Love You!"


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Trump's rally audience spontaneously began chanting, "We Love You!"

"Don't say that, I'll start to cry," President Trump says to the crowd in MI chanting "WE LOVE YOU!" (00:44)

Sep 10, 2020

Donald J Trump
2.76M subscribers

"Don't say that, I'll start to cry," President Trump says to the crowd in Michigan chanting "WE LOVE YOU!"
Is that a good thing for Americans to "chant" to a politician? WTH is going on here?

If your post is the healthy sign that you admit to being the victim of media dishonesty which deprived you of the ability to understand what is going on outside of the narrowed field of what they disseminate to us all, then welcome to the club. And welcome to the discussion.

But if you admit to not understanding what's going on with regard to Trump, and then intend to go ahead to try and tell us Trump fans that what you know is all there is to know about him and America, then I believe you are going to have a difficult time in this thread.

What's going on is that the Left is stealing our country through deception and trickery and those of us who love our country and want it to remain strong, free and OURS (ours = all loyal patriotic Americans) see that the only politician with the vision, brains, guts, skill, love of America and the dedication to preserve our great country and form of government and economic system, is Trump.

And we see that if Trump wins, America, Western Civilization, Liberty on earth and every human being who love freedom, also wins.

We love Trump because only he can and only he has proven he will preserve what we hold dear and are under threat by the Left, to lose.
Trump's rally audience spontaneously began chanting, "We Love You!"

"Don't say that, I'll start to cry," President Trump says to the crowd in MI chanting "WE LOVE YOU!" (00:44)

Sep 10, 2020

You are showing off your mental disorder hoping that others who are also mentally disordered will co-sign on your silliness.


No. You cannot see how similar it is with Trump and his followers.

If we took you seriously, we might have to insist that you stop wearing clothes because Nazi's also wore clothing.

You want me to get naked?

BTW it's funny that you should say that because MAGAers wear Trump shirts and hats and fly Trump flags. :laugh:
No. You cannot see how similar it is with Trump and his followers.

We can see the superficial similarity, but when you take the next step, by considering what they stood for and how they differed from US in tactics and goals, only a silly man or a Commie/Islami would conflate the two.
We can see the superficial similarity, but when you take the next step, by considering what they stood for and how they differed from US in tactics and goals, only a silly man or a Commie/Islami would conflate the two.

The next step is attempting to overturn the election and invading the Congress.
The next step is attempting to overturn the election and invading the Congress.

The next step is attempting to investigate the overwhelming evidence of election fraud to determine the GENUINE winner of the election and making the pampered politicians in Congress realize that the constituents they are screwing over by supporting a treasonous course of action are not just invisible masses but are real live modern day patriots willing to stand up and support their good and wise and beloved POTUS as he fights to keep America free.
The next step is attempting to investigate the overwhelming evidence of election fraud to determine the GENUINE winner of the election and making the pampered politicians in Congress realize that the constituents they are screwing over by supporting a treasonous course of action are not just invisible masses but are real live modern day patriots willing to stand up and support their good and wise and beloved POTUS as he fights to keep America free.

The next step IS NOT breaking in the Congress.
And we see that if Trump wins, America, Western Civilization, Liberty on earth and every human being who love freedom, also wins.

We love Trump because only he can and only he has proven he will preserve what we hold dear and are under threat by the Left, to lose.

So you love Trump and you'll do anything he says because he's going to save America? Jesus wept! Did you learn nothing last January?

Trump knows as much about saving America as I do about ripping off building contractors (especially small ones who can't fight back).

Oh, he's lovable! Adorable, sweet, charming, lovely, delightful, captivating, enchanting, appealing, endearing, affectionate, simpatico. I may have missed one there - rhymes with toss.
The next step IS NOT breaking in the Congress.

Why do you think the Police didn't stop the protesters even though they knew there would be a large crowd of passionate Trump fans moving toward the Capitol and despite the fact the protesters had no firearms with which to do anything once they got where they were going?
So you love Trump and you'll do anything he says because he's going to save America? Jesus wept! Did you learn nothing last January?

Trump knows as much about saving America as I do about ripping off building contractors (especially small ones who can't fight back).

Oh, he's lovable! Adorable, sweet, charming, lovely, delightful, captivating, enchanting, appealing, endearing, affectionate, simpatico. I may have missed one there - rhymes with toss.

Your post shows off your Liberal mental disorder.

I will make this as simple as I can.

Trump is mankind's last hope to preserve Liberty.

You can hate Trump, but if you love Liberty, you must support Trump.

And if you don't support Trump, you must not love Liberty.